Archive for the ‘onFood’ Category

“The Student Diet”

Friday, July 19th, 2024

This diet varies depending on many factors: income, cultural background, access to student discounts, eating habits, schedule, etc. However, the common denominator in at least the student body I have encountered is that we all eat poorly. The reasons, as mentioned above, can differ, yet we all struggle to keep a balanced diet during the semester. 

I noticed this in others before I became aware of it in myself. A friend told me once that all he ate during his years in college was pizza because he was “broke” and had no kitchen in his dorm. Another one said that the stress during the semester made her appetite go away, so she would barely eat, while others told me they would eat more during the stressful four months. Slowly, I noticed how my habits would shift while studying. I could go hours without eating or drinking water. Once I finished my homework, I would buy anything accessible at the time—normally fast food—and eat very late at night. It was impossible to know if the constant exhaustion my body felt was due to the lack of nurturing food, sleep, or time off. Whatever the reason, it was there, and I could see it in my classmates as well.

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Paying out of pocket for the semester also influenced my meal choices. Since money was limited, fast food was all I could afford because healthier options are more expensive–unjustifiable in a student’s budget. Throughout college, I’ve learned that many students deal with income-related issues, including the struggle with time management to prepare home-cooked meals or lack a support system to cook for them. In this aspect, I was fortunate to rely on my husband to cook meals for me when I was at my busiest. One term, I organized my schedule with four classes each day, with only 15 minutes between each class. For some reason, I didn’t think about leaving time to eat lunch. Consequently, not only did I not have time to cook at home, but I also didn’t have time to buy food. Thus, he would meal-prep for my week, making sure to pack healthier snacks with my lunch. Thankfully, I had someone making sure I fed myself properly, but some students don’t have that luxury. 

The many factors that influence “The Student Diet” make it difficult to come up with a solution. It is the reality of many students, especially those with limited income and support. Some public colleges offer food assistance, but that doesn’t mean students have the time to cook, since many work more than one job. Even those that offer canned or microwavable food are still flawed since these are not healthier alternatives either. However, I think an important step to improve this pattern in students’ diet is awareness. Many of us are unaware of our eligibility for welfare programs such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, which still doesn’t provide the time to cook meals but at least it could help with the expense of more nurturing foods. Additionally, more conscious choices when grocery shopping are important. Some small but powerful decisions I have made, for example, are buying more filling snacks that are still cheap (fruits, yogurt, nuts) and avoiding the chips at the vending machine. It has helped with boosting my energy in between classes, at least.

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Changing this diet for any other is challenging; thus, we must be aware of what we can control and the assistance programs available to us. So many of those factors that make us fall into it are out of our control, but there are others we can have a say on. Ultimately, unhealthy food habits could impact our performance during the semester. It is harder for the brain to study when it is not well-nurtured. If our bodies are tired, our minds are too. I am still on this journey of making better decisions; hopefully, you can join me in making little yet empowering food choices and breaking the cycle of “The Student Diet.”

Enjoy a vitamin booster drink or bowl AND save some money while you do so with this coupon!

By Roxanna Cardenas

Roxanna is a Venezuelan writer living in New York City. Her works include essays, poetry, screenplays, and short stories. She explores fiction and non-fiction genres, with a special interest in horror and sci-fi. She has an A.A. in Writing and Literature and is working on her B.A. in English with a Creative Writing concentration.

For over 20 years, the Campus Clipper has been offering awesome student discounts in NYC,  from the East Side to Greenwich Village. Along with inspiration, the company offers students a special coupon booklet and the Official Student Guide, which encourages them to discover new places in the city and save money on food, clothing, and services.  

At the Campus Clipper, not only do we help our interns learn new skills, make money, and create wonderful e-books, we give them a platform to teach others. Check our website for more student savings and watch our YouTube video showing off some of New York City’s finest students during the Welcome Week of 2015.


My Body’s Intuition

Tuesday, July 16th, 2024

I grew up in a culture where being “overweight” was one of the worst things that could happen to you. Eating plenty of food without guilt was rare and starvation to lose the extra kilos was normal. By culture I don’t mean my country, I mean most of the world. After all, I grew up in the early 2000s when people would call Jennifer Aniston “fat.” Early 2000s JENNIFER ANISTON. 

Naturally, I developed a complicated relationship with food. When I was a teenager, my appetite was insatiable. I would eat more than any adult in my family and barely gain any weight. Some people would call me lucky while others warned that my body would eventually change, and I would need to control my food intake. The pleasure food gave me was always followed by an almost silent whisper of regret. Still, I continued to eat unbalanced food in abundance. Although I was skinny—underweight really—and my body was often described as beautiful and “desirable,” I remember that time as my most unhealthy years. I would get sick often, visiting urgent care at least once a month for respiratory issues; I would feel tired all the time and have no strength in my muscles. Above all else, I would look in the mirror and see fat sitting in places where there was none. I had body dysmorphia, and I wasn’t aware of what that was. 

Like it often happens when you emigrate, my life changed completely after I moved to the US, including my food habits. I don’t know if my body finally changed like people used to warn me or if this new country’s food was different, but after a month of eating endless American food, I finally gained some weight. And then I gained some more. I became aware of how much bigger I was from my time in Venezuela, and I started to freak out. Without understanding a thing about dieting, I simply did what I had learned from the women around me: I starved myself. I started eating only two meals a day, sometimes one. I would go on like that for a month, and then have a rampage of food intake the next. It became a cycle where my body weight fluctuated aggressively. Consequently, my health paid the price. I would continue to get sick constantly and feel weak. What I didn’t realize is that the symptoms were more severe during my starvation mode than when I would eat whatever I wanted. Still, both habits were damaging. 

When I finally decided to seek help, I had been meeting my extreme habits in the middle. I would skip one meal a day—often breakfast—and eat big portions for the remaining two. Although I wasn’t getting sick anymore, the sense of tiredness remained, and my weight was slowly increasing. Around the same time, I did a lot of unlearning about body weight and although I wasn’t comfortable with the extra pounds, I convinced myself that I was beautiful nonetheless. For the first time in my life, my biggest concern was how I felt, not how I looked. I wanted to feel energized and strong but, how could I accomplish this?

Food Tracker for my trainer. Noticing patterns.

I was lucky to have made friends with a very generous woman who was also a personal trainer who educated me about my food habits. She made me track two weeks of meals and pointed out my meal skips, uncontrolled snacking, and massive dinners. She showed me how the unbalanced meals—mostly consisting of carbs and fats—were partly the source of my tiredness. Additionally, she tracked my daily steps and exercise, which was near zero. With this information, we planned to increase my protein and vitamin intake and my workouts. Although strict, this plan was heavily based on my body’s intuition. My trainer helped me differentiate healthy cravings from my eating disorder. We did this by tracking my menstrual cycle, understanding that in certain weeks of the month, my body would crave more fatty and sugary meals and that this was okay. Slowly, the guilt I would feel after every meal disappeared. I created disciplined habits filled with compassion. By the end of our regiment, I had lost some weight, but the most important thing was that I felt the strongest I’ve ever been. I barely had stomach problems or got sick, and I had the energy necessary to go through my day.

I would change the “but” for “and” because you can listen to both. Both are right.

It’s been a year now since I learned about my body’s intuition. It is still hard to fight my eating disorders which crave the “comfort meals” that ultimately harm my body. It is a battle I am still in, but I fight it with patience and lots of love for myself. My body weight continues to fluctuate, but how it is supposed to. It is normal to fluctuate between five to ten pounds, but I don’t really keep track. I measure my health not on the scale any longer; I do so with how my body reacts to exercise, with how energized I feel. It has been life-changing learning to listen to my body because it made me appreciate the wonderful things it does for me.

Every meal should be a “guilt-free” meal! Enjoy this delicious free cookie with your student ID

By Roxanna Cardenas

Roxanna is a Venezuelan writer living in New York City. Her works include essays, poetry, screenplays, and short stories. She explores fiction and non-fiction genres, with a special interest in horror and sci-fi. She has an A.A. in Writing and Literature and is working on her B.A. in English with a Creative Writing concentration.

For over 20 years, the Campus Clipper has been offering awesome student discounts in NYC,  from the East Side to Greenwich Village. Along with inspiration, the company offers students a special coupon booklet and the Official Student Guide, which encourages them to discover new places in the city and save money on food, clothing, and services.  

At the Campus Clipper, not only do we help our interns learn new skills, make money, and create wonderful e-books, we give them a platform to teach others. Check our website for more student savings and watch our YouTube video showing off some of New York City’s finest students during the Welcome Week of 2015.


Chapter Five: The Comfort of Home-Cooked Meals

Monday, July 15th, 2024

One of the biggest benefits I think I had of staying home for college was and is the home-cooked meals. Being a New York native, it is par for the course to eat out on your breaks in college or during work. However, rarely do I hear about the college students or New Yorkers who bring home-cooked meals (or the occasional lunchable—no shame!) with them to college or work. I don’t think I would have survived overspending on eating out as an unemployed college student. Even once there was money flow, I had to properly budget my money if I was to survive New York City’s living costs however long I needed to.

The biggest expense after rent and utilities is food, of course. As a single woman, if I didn’t still live with my parents, it would have cost me thousands more monthly to live a comfortable life in New York City. I have heard plenty of horror stories about college students who either dorm or live off-campus forced to live paycheck to paycheck trying to decide whether to use their little money left on rent (or tuition/loan payments) or food. If there is any advice I can give, it’s to save as much as you can if your family is willing to financially support you. If not, split your payments with roommates if possible. Life is so much better when you don’t have to be hyper-independent.

As much as I really wanted to move out of my parent’s two-bedroom apartment in the Bronx at 19, I knew I didn’t have a plan in mind. And I hadn’t yet developed trust in my ability to feed myself without my mother on hand. From that point to now, I have understood the importance of conserving money, energy, and time. It might be true that you have to spend money to make money, but you also have to make your money grow and last enough so that you don’t have to work your entire life. Start through being mindful of what isn’t worth your “MET” (money, energy, and time), and assess how much of your MET is being wasted. Then, invest in people, places, and things that will maximize your MET.

Food is fuel. And given how quickly time elapses, food should be as healthful and last as much as your money is making it. That’s why buying in bulk is the best. The less grocery runs you have to make after still having a steady supply of food, toiletries, cleaning supplies, and other household items needed for daily or weekly use, the more money, energy, and time you save every month. Money isn’t just important in this equation—the more time you invest into your health, the more time and energy you will have to live your life.

Half-eaten mac & cheese my brother made me.

Home-cooked meals are exactly one of those things that will maximize your MET. According to an Aetna article, home-cooked meals are proven to be healthier than takeout meals, giving us a lower calorie intake, a more health-conscious mentality, and mental productivity. As a New Yorker, home-cooked meals have brought me closer to a slow-living lifestyle I would like to live more of if and when I decide to move out of the city. Eating out (and going fast in general) may get us many of the things we want and need at a convenient speed, but constantly engaging in consumptive habits will at some point remind us we need to slow down.

My college campus was one of the few places where I felt I could slow down. Even while under the social pressure to move and act fast, there were always designated spaces to be in stillness and be encouraged to not over-consume in body, mind, and spirit. Making use of the college food pantry (and pre-made lunches), the shuttle bus, counseling services, the college library, and more are great investments towards getting more for less, and building a life of growth instead of consumption.

The deli always comes in clutch! Save on groceries with 10% off!

By Daeli Vargas

Daeli is a recent graduate from the City College of New York with a BA in English and a publishing certificate. She is from the Bronx and is very passionate about all things literary. She hopes one day to publish many books of her own and share her passions worldwide.

For over 20 years, the Campus Clipper has been offering awesome student discounts in NYC,  from the East Side to Greenwich Village. Along with inspiration, the company offers students a special coupon booklet and the Official Student Guide, which encourages them to discover new places in the city and save money on food, clothing, and services.  

At the Campus Clipper, not only do we help our interns learn new skills, make money, and create wonderful e-books, we give them a platform to teach others. Check our website for more student savings and watch our YouTube video showing off some of New York City’s finest students during the Welcome Week of 2015.


Balancing The City

Thursday, June 20th, 2024

Screeching metal wheels, passing footsteps, and foreign languages flood your senses when walking down the average New York City street. For myself and many others who didn’t grow up in the hustle and bustle of the city, it can be quite an adjustment. Exploring and understanding your new college environment is a challenge on its own, but I believe it’s important to venture beyond campus walls and appreciate the city that is at your fingertips. Even if you’re moving into the city with an open mindset, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. While my time in New York has been limited so far, I’ve picked up on a few tips that might be helpful to the average New York City freshman. 

First things first, it’s very important to understand your immediate surrounding area. New York City is gigantic, complex, and diverse. With a population that speaks over 200 languages, includes over three million foreign born residents, and houses the most ethnic enclaves in the country, there’s certainly a lot to discover. Even though there’s a whole city to explore, it’s best to start with a home base. Get familiar with your surrounding community! The best way to accomplish this is to walk around, which is convenient, since NYC is one of the most walkable cities in the U.S! As a student at Columbia University, I took it upon myself to become aware of the surrounding Harlem area. I remember walking to so many places that seemed interesting to me during my first few months of college. From cafes, to barbershops, to parks, I was intentionally exploring all my immediate area had to offer me. Ultimately I found success and satisfaction in doing so! One of my favorite cafes in the city is just a 15 minute walk from campus, and my barber is only 10 minutes. Google Maps can be really helpful when it comes to finding destinations. Virtually scanning for nearby restaurants or cafes is a great way to mentally plan out your excursions. Granted, it’s important to do your research on the safety of your given area. Use your best judgment, especially when traveling alone. No matter what region or borough your school is located in, I believe that exploring on foot is one of the best ways to go.

My current google maps view, showcasing all transit lines and saved locations.

Depending on your area, you might be able to get familiar with your surroundings within the first month of college. When you feel comfortable enough, you should take your ventures out past the university area. Seeing as college campuses typically alter the culture of their immediate surrounding area, it can be refreshing to explore the city outside of the “university bubble”. While your immediate neighborhood is the most accessible, it’s worth it to take the extra step to experience a more authentic side of New York. For destinations outside of walking distance, public transit is your best friend. New York’s subway system is incredibly extensive, boasting 472 subway stations and 3.6 million daily riders. Thankfully, the system is always accessible and can whisk you from one side of the city to the next with ease. One tip that helped me when it came to exploring the city was setting my Google Maps to transit mode. This allowed me to not only see the subway lines that I would be taking, but also get used to the layout of the system over time. It’s important to have some idea of where you’re going before you get on the subway. Since phone service can get shaky in between stops, I try to carry a paper map with me whenever I can. You can get a portable map for free by simply asking the worker at the booth near the turnstile. In my experience, it’s better to be safe than sorry!

Most important of all, it’s important to find a balance during your time at college. While life at university might feel suffocating at some points, it can be strenuous (physically and financially!) to go out on the town every night as well! Scheduling at least one outing with friends per week was what worked best for me. It gave me something to look forward to during the school week. I suggest trying out what schedule works best for you. Asking questions like “can I afford a $6 matcha five days a week?” or “is it smart to leave campus so late?” can help formulate a plan that makes sense. Finding this balance between campus life and exploring the city is what really makes going to college in New York City worthwhile. So whenever you make the time, I encourage you to get out there and explore all that the city has to offer!

By Thomas Stewart

Thomas currently attends Columbia University and plans to double major in creative writing and human rights. At Columbia Thomas is a staff writer for the City News section of the Columbia Daily Spectator, where he publishes articles that concern the West Harlem community. In his free time, you can find him practicing music or trying new vegetarian recipes

If you’re like me and love looking for new acai bowls, use code PYGCK at Tropical Berry Cafe for 40% off.

For over 20 years, the Campus Clipper has been offering awesome student discounts in NYC,  from the East Side to Greenwich Village. Along with inspiration, the company offers students a special coupon booklet and the Official Student Guide, which encourages them to discover new places in the city and save money on food, clothing, and services.  

At the Campus Clipper, not only do we help our interns learn new skills, make money, and create wonderful e-books, we give them a platform to teach others. Check our website for more student savings and watch our YouTube video showing off some of New York City’s finest students during the Welcome Week of 2015.


When Campus Food Doesn’t Cut It

Wednesday, June 12th, 2024

Picture this: it’s a Sunday afternoon. Your stomach is grumbling. Your head is spinning. You ask yourself: “Where am I going to get my next meal?” You sift through your mental Rolodex of campus food options and your heart and stomach sink in sickening tandem. You, anguished student, come to a conclusion: “I don’t want any of this.”

As students confined to greasy or undercooked campus food, we must explore the options of buying and cooking your own food. We must venture outside the iron gates to a local grocery store!

There are three things to take into consideration when choosing where to shop: price, location, and food quality. The first, and arguably most important, is price. Most of us students can’t break the bank whenever we’re craving some non-campus food, especially those living in New York City. When everything inexplicably costs $30, affordable options are a must. The second is location. While we all would like to think we’re able to lug a heavy bag of groceries a mile home, we should be careful not to get caught in our own hubris. The third is food quality. Being cognizant of the freshness of the food you buy might save you a bout of stomach trouble!

For this chapter, I’ve asked my friends, roommates, and fellow grocery-shoppers on a student’s budget: where should I buy my groceries?

The most popular choice is Modern Market, at 2385 Arthur Ave. Modern Market is my personal favorite for its fresh produce and convenient location. While it’s on the more expensive side, I’m a firm believer that sometimes it’s worth it to splurge on quality fall fruits, spring veggies, winter legumes, etc.

Modern Market is situated between 186th and 187th in a particularly lush block of Arthur Ave.
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Those who recommended Fine Fare on 2645 Webster Ave do so most emphatically. Boasting low prices and wide aisles, Fine Fare fans insist that this fine establishment is worth the walk to the other side of the Metro North train tracks. On a personal note, my roommates shop at Fine Fare, and while they return from grocery shopping panting, sweating, and sore, they are never complaining.

Fine Fare has that nostalgic feel that’s worth the walk.
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If you’re interested in a Fordham-specific option, the Arthur Avenue retail market is definitely the most expensive (costing an AARM and a leg! haha), but has probably the best quality groceries and fresh food available in the immediate area. There are over a dozen vendors peddling their specialties, including but not limited to: fresh fruit, cured meats, coffee, and even cigars! However, given this odd assortment of available goods, I’d argue that the retail market is more of a touristy experience than a reliable grocery spot.

The Arthur Ave retail market really feels like a whole other world.
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A final option: getting groceries delivered from Aldi. Some people I know swear by this, saying that it’s affordable, convenient, and good for resisting temptation to buy junk food because you don’t physically see it. If you’re on a specific diet, or if you’re just trying to steer yourself away from Ben & Jerry’s or Tostitos Hint of Lime chips (not speaking from experience or anything), this is a good option. 

However, in the spirit of engaging with one’s community, I can’t in good faith recommend that you ONLY order groceries online from a large chain! It’s important to support local businesses like the ones I mentioned before. Get out there and talk to people—recluses don’t have any fun. So buy your own groceries, like a grown-up!

For a special student discount on groceries near you, check out Uptown Whole Foods!

by Mia Crocco

Mia is a rising junior at Fordham University – Rose Hill studying English and theology. In her free time, Mia enjoys cooking, collaging, and playing the piano and guitar.

For over 20 years, the Campus Clipper has been offering awesome student discounts in NYC,  from the East Side to Greenwich Village. Along with inspiration, the company offers students a special coupon booklet and the Official Student Guide, which encourages them to discover new places in the city and save money on food, clothing, and services.  

At the Campus Clipper, not only do we help our interns learn new skills, make money, and create wonderful e-books, we give them a platform to teach others. Check our website for more student savings and watch our YouTube video showing off some of New York City’s finest students during the Welcome Week of 2015.


It’s Popular Because It’s Good: Belmont Staples

Wednesday, June 5th, 2024

The Bronx’s Belmont is a neighborhood with myriad cultures, which means its food options are not only incredibly diverse but incredibly delicious. Patrons of the neighborhood are able to enjoy recipes that have been refined for decades, and taste like it too! Students in the area have a couple staple spots, consistently adored and attended for being delicious, reliable, and mostly affordable. Located in the heart of the Bronx’s Little Italy, all of the below staples specialize in Italian fare: specifically pasta, fish, cheese, and meat. However, in this chapter, we’re going to be getting the obvious choices out of the way: are the restaurants students frequent really worth your time?

First off is Enzo’s: THE staple restaurant. Packed with families during Parents’ Weekend, move-in, move-out, Homecoming, and more. Any time parents are in town, their kids (students starved for quality food, unable to justify dropping thirty precious dollars on pasta) beg for Enzo’s. Or at least I definitely do. Their menu boasts pizza, seafood, meat entrees, salads, incredible pasta and sauce, and delicious desserts. Some of my favorite dishes include their Pizza alla Enzo, complete with prosciutto and arugula (one of my favorite combinations), and anything with their signature vodka sauce. Their sauces are so delicious, Enzo’s has blessed the community by making jars of it available to purchase by the door. The southernmost of these staples and thus the farthest from campus, Enzo’s of Arthur Avenue is definitely worth the walk.

Though only opened in 1999, Enzo’s of Arthur Avenue seems like it’s been perfecting its recipes for decades.
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Next is Michaelangelo’s: Known for its faux-outdoor back patio and Thursday happy hour, Michaelangelo’s is the spot for formals. Though these events can get pricey, it’s almost always worth it. What could be considered a sit-down restaurant by day transforms into an Italian bar-and-grill, complete with music, dancing, and of-age alumni looking for a nostalgic dinner option in their old stomping grounds. One of Arthur Ave’s more affordable Italian restaurants, the food is alright, the drinks are alright, but the fun ambience (namely the 2000s music, lively staff, and the soft lights strung through the entire patio) is what makes Michaelangelo’s a favorite for all students, for all four years. 

Michaelangelo’s jungle-style back patio is the perfect environment to enjoy some affordable Italian food.
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If you’re feeling a little less formal when you visit Belmont, you can opt for Casa Della Mozzarella on 187th St. Deli on the outside, life-changing sandwich experience on the inside. Casa Della Mozzarella specializes in some of the most divine Italian paninis to ever grace human tastebuds: can’t go wrong with Il Classico, a caprese panini. They also sell standalone cheese and cured meats as well, and as their name would suggest, their mozzarella trumps all on Arthur Avenue.

While Casa Della Mozzarella might seem cramped on the inside, it’s only because it’s got so much to offer: cheese, meat, paninis, you name it!
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Finally, Pugsley’s Pizza: What looks like a divey pizza spot tucked into a parking lot on 191st Street is an undeniable Fordham institution. Decades of names scrawled on the walls, faded photos with celebrities, and worn seats that were probably once very clean and comfortable all lend themselves to the pizza staple’s slogan: Love is It. While Pugsley’s might not be objectively the best pizza in Belmont, when you walk through that green door, you’re awash with the scent of garlic and the feeling of home.

Armed with armchairs, booths, and a large family-style table, Pugsley’s is the go-to spot for a bit to eat after a late night excursion with friends.
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If you want to get all done up to go out for a fancy dinner at Pugsley’s, take the D Train to W 90th St for a discounted ‘do!

by Mia Crocco

Mia is a rising junior at Fordham University – Rose Hill studying English and theology. In her free time, Mia enjoys cooking, collaging, and playing the piano and guitar.

For over 20 years, the Campus Clipper has been offering awesome student discounts in NYC,  from the East Side to Greenwich Village. Along with inspiration, the company offers students a special coupon booklet and the Official Student Guide, which encourages them to discover new places in the city and save money on food, clothing, and services.  

At the Campus Clipper, not only do we help our interns learn new skills, make money, and create wonderful e-books, we give them a platform to teach others. Check our website for more student savings and watch our YouTube video showing off some of New York City’s finest students during the Welcome Week of 2015.


Don’t Take Home For Granted

Friday, May 31st, 2024

Whenever I tell people I’m from California, I usually get a range of surprised and intrigued reactions. “Oh really, Norcal or Socal?” or, “I’ve always wanted to go to LA” are frequent responses. My revelation is usually followed by the disclaimer that I come from the Central Valley, where it isn’t all flashing lights and sunny beaches. With that being said, I’ve always recognized that the Central Valley has a beauty of its own. It’s home to a cornucopia of fruits and vegetables, producing ¼ of the nation’s food according to the U.S Geological Survey. The towns that surround me boast the titles of “Raisin Capital of the World” and “The Nation’s Salad Bowl”. These small towns aren’t as glamorous as big cities like Los Angeles or San Francisco, but they still maintain their own qualities that make them noteworthy.

A photo of the vineyards in my backyard at home.

Social interactivity is another one of California’s endearing qualities. It’s not uncommon to walk down the street and greet other passersby with “goodmorning” or “how are you doing?”. Common courtesy extends to strangers, and hospitality embraces neighbors, friends, and loved ones. The plethora of produce available also functions as a bridge between people, forming and fostering relationships. Looking back on my childhood, I remember going over to my neighbor’s house to pick up fresh eggs and squash from their farm. Other times my neighbor would come over and we would eat cookies together. The sense of community and hospitality was so natural, it was second nature. Little actions like acknowledging each other, saying please and thank you, or gift-giving were customs that I grew up with. These interactions occurred on an individual level and served to foster a greater sense of community statewide. I never noticed that these manners were particular to the region that I grew up in until I left it. I can recall my first time on the subway, and immediately being aware that this wasn’t the place to ask “how’s your day going?”. Even though this would be completely normal in California, over time I’ve adjusted to the unspoken rules of the city.

Accessibility and connection were the things that I took for granted back in California. While I can only describe my personal experience in detail, I know that these feelings are natural and universal. I’ve bonded with so many classmates over reminiscing on the little features of our homes that we miss, most notably our favorite west coast coffee shop: Dutch Bros. However, this nostalgia is not limited to the small, agricultural towns that I’ve described so far. The value in changing one’s environment can apply to city natives as well. In a city like New York, you can especially differentiate your home on the regional scale as opposed to the state scale. A neighborhood like Harlem, which features a median age of 36, is predominately Black, and a median income of $58,489 is starkly different from a neighborhood like Riverdale, Bronx, which has a median age of 41, is predominately White, and a median income of $77,840. The important difference is not based on geography, but rather culture and experiences. By putting yourself in a new position, you’ll learn a lesson that is easier said than done: to not take your home for granted.

 Every home has aspects of it that are simply irreplaceable. It’s hard to leave them, but in my opinion it’s necessary. There is so much value from leaving everything you have ever known for something new. Regardless of your upbringing, the experience of moving to a new place with different foods, people, and customs will make you a better person. Not only will you be more knowledgeable about the world, but you’ll be able to appreciate your home from a fresh perspective.

By Thomas Stewart

Thomas currently attends Columbia University and plans to double major in creative writing and human rights. At Columbia Thomas is a staff writer for the City News section of the Columbia Daily Spectator, where he publishes articles that concern the West Harlem community. In his free time, you can find him practicing music or trying new vegetarian recipes.

While it may not be as fresh as the Central Valley, students and faculty can get up to 20% off on produce at Uptown Whole Foods.

For over 20 years, the Campus Clipper has been offering awesome student discounts in NYC,  from the East Side to Greenwich Village. Along with inspiration, the company offers students a special coupon booklet and the Official Student Guide, which encourages them to discover new places in the city and save money on food, clothing, and services.  

At the Campus Clipper, not only do we help our interns learn new skills, make money, and create wonderful e-books, we give them a platform to teach others. Check our website for more student savings and watch our YouTube video showing off some of New York City’s finest students during the Welcome Week of 2015.


Poké City: Downtown’s Hidden Gem

Wednesday, November 15th, 2023

Despite my close proximity to the Orange Line and easy access to the Downtown area, I don’t get out there much. Best $1,000 loan same day no credit check today. It is really such a great area though, with so many hidden gems and delicious varieties of food to try. I am so happy that I was able to get myself out there the other day to try something new with Poké City!

Poké City is a Hawaiian sushi bowl restaurant just a few minutes walk from Faneuil Hall. It is on Broad Street, which is a sort of quaint, business-centered area of Downtown. The area was super cute and rather quiet, so much so that it didn’t even really feel like Downtown at all. It was a sort of peaceful place, and I really enjoyed exploring this “new” corner of town.  They also have a Cambridge location for my friends across the river!

The logo itself is really cute—I like their tropical vibe, a lot of their menu items center on fruits like pineapple and mango, which makes it a unique kind of cuisine to find in Boston. 

I am ironically not really a fan of sushi, so I brought a friend that actually does like fish who happens to work in the area. She said that her coworkers grab lunch here all of the time, so I was excited to know that it was a really popular place, and she was eager to see what all of the hype was about. 

The inside was really nice and clean, and we sat down in front of the window so we could look out onto the nice city street. We went in the early evening hours, so the sun was just beginning to set, which made our view really beautiful and peaceful. The staff was also really nice—we were having a tough time deciding what to get but they were super patient with us while we figured out what we wanted! 

We both wanted to get signature bowls, but it would have been really easy to make your own customized bowl here. The ingredients are behind the counter, assembly line style, so it is super easy to personalize your order and make it so that it’s perfect just for you. I love this type of restaurant because it gives you the option to create your own, or you can enjoy one of their pre-designed bowls if you aren’t familiar with the type of food. Because I had never had this style of poké, I was happy to have some guidance through their signature dishes!

Teriyaki Bowl

I ended up getting the Teriyaki & Shrimp Bowl, which comes with chicken, shrimp (I ordered without), pineapple salsa, cucumber, sweet corn, seaweed salad, scallion, cilantro, sesame seed, teriyaki sauce, and rice. It was really delicious, and I loved the combination of the tropical pineapple salsa paired with the savory chicken; they went so well together and were so different from what I usually eat. They also added some extra carnitas chicken for us to try, which was SO good! It was nice and soft and full of flavor, I would definitely recommend it. My bowl was delicious, and not too spicy for my Irish palette. 

My friend ordered the Spicy Salmon Bowl, which was too spicy for my Irish palette, but was delicious nonetheless. This bowl came with salmon, mango, edamame, red cabbage, scallion, tobiko, furikake, sriracha aioli, and rice. Despite being a bit too spicy for me, it had really great flavor that even I could appreciate. It was actually surprising how much I liked it considering I do not really like fish or spicy food, so I guess that speaks to how great these flavors work together to create such a unique and delectable dish! I have basically no spice tolerance, but it seemed to be just the right amount of spice for my friend, because she ate the whole thing up!

Spicy Salmon Bowl

Overall, we had a really great time there. The building was clean, the food was delicious, and the atmosphere was very relaxing and tranquil. We lingered there for a while even after we finished eating because we were really enjoying the pleasantness of the area and of the restaurant itself. This is definitely somewhere that I am certainly going to return to, and I definitely recommend bringing a friend to sit and chat with you! 

Thank you so much to Poke City for the delicious food and hospitality. You will definitely be seeing me again soon!

There is truly nothing like eating some good food with your buddies while the sun sets on the city, so bring a friend and your student ID to buy one get one 25% off! 

By Erin O’Brien

Erin is a student based in Boston, MA studying Communications and Studio Art. She is drawn to telling stories about love and friendship, with themes of humanity and connection at its core. In sharing her personal truths, she hopes to provide readers with nuggets of learned wisdom and college survival skills

For over 20 years, the Campus Clipper has been offering awesome student discounts in NYC,  from the East Side to Greenwich Village. Along with inspiration, the company offers students a special coupon booklet and the Official Student Guide, which encourages them to discover new places in the city and save money on food, clothing, and services.  

At the Campus Clipper, not only do we help our interns learn new skills, make money, and create wonderful e-books, we give them a platform to teach others. Check our website for more student savings and watch our YouTube video showing off some of New York City’s finest students during the Welcome Week of 2015.


Restaurant Review: Filthy Flats in Brooklyn

Saturday, November 4th, 2023

It feels like it’s been forever since the last time I got to sit down and write a restaurant review. Midterm season was crazy, as I’m sure many of you can relate to, and visiting Filthy Flats was one positive moment in the whole mess of it.

I’m pretty new to Brooklyn, so I was super excited to have the opportunity to explore some downtown restaurants for the first time since I moved. Filthy Flats in particular is located on Court St. right next to Columbus Park. I spent some time walking around before stopping into the store and the area is super nice. There’s seating inside Filthy Flats, but everything they sell is packaged in to-go containers, so you can also take it to some of the outdoor public seating nearby. 

Exterior of Filthy Flats facing Columbus Park

Filthy Flats opens daily at 7am, but their whole menu is all-day for any fellow late risers. I stopped in around 10 am, which I would consider the early morning, and of course started with a breakfast flat. Most of their breakfast flats have some combination of meat, eggs, and cheese, but there’s also a couple avocado options for fans of that. I, however, went for an all time classic: a Bacon, Egg and Cheese with two fried eggs, covered in melted cheese, and topped with bits of chopped bacon.

If you’re like me, you have a terribly hard time pulling yourself out of bed in the morning for class. I started the semester strong with a substantial breakfast every morning before class, but let’s be honest— post midterms I’m lucky if I’ve eaten anything before I run out of the door to catch the subway. Thus, this flat was probably the best breakfast I’ve had in months. As a big cheese fan I appreciated that they did not go light on it. The bread underneath was also a really great compliment to the toppings. It was more than just a slice of bread or half bagel. It had a really nice crunch to it and the whole breakfast flat was definitely enough to make up a solid meal, especially when paired with a juice or coffee from the drink menu.

But if you’re not in the mood for breakfast, or if you’re visiting later in the day— fear not. True to their title of the “home of the open faced sandwich,” Filthy Flats has a great selection of other flats. They have breakfast flats, specialty flats, pizza flats, and even dessert flats. I also tried the BBQ Chicken flat off their specialty menu and it was delicious.

While the Bacon, Egg and Cheese flat was good, the BBQ Chicken definitely had that extra oomph to it that really makes it one of their specialty flats. The BBQ sauce they use has a delicious sweet quality to it, and it compliments both the chicken and the red onions perfectly. As if that wasn’t enough, there’s also ranch dressing on top which adds a whole extra layer of flavor. Lastly, the BBQ Chicken flat again has a healthy portion of cheese on it, making it overall just an ideal item.

Bacon Egg and Cheese and BBQ Chicken Flat

If you perhaps happen to hold a flawed view on cheese, or any general dislike for a particular food item, it is possible to ask to make changes to your order. I appreciated that they had various options for the bread you can get your flat on, including whole wheat and gluten free. There’s also a handful of meat-free options for any vegetarians out there, so I feel confident that I could take anyone here with me and they’d be able to find something they like. 

Overall, Filthy Flats is a fantastic restaurant to stop into the next time you’re in downtown Brooklyn. They have a really great vibe, and you can tell that they’re already an important part of the community less than a year after opening. I highly encourage you to try not only their more traditional open face sandwiches, but also some of their creative options— like Cranberry Chicken Salad or Strawberry Cheesecake from the dessert menu!

And to any Brooklyn friends make sure you use this coupon with your student ID when you visit to save 20% OR use the code “filthy20” online ✅✅✅

If you want to see more about my trip to Filthy Flats check out my video on the Campus Clipper TikTok page!

By: Peter Schoenfeld

Peter Schoenfeld is an illustrator and self proclaimed food fanatic from New York. His work errs on the side of silly, goofy, or wacky, and he has a particular interest in both printmaking and painting. As a current junior at the School of Visual Arts, Peter doesn’t have much free time– but when he does he’s always looking to try new food!

For over 20 years, the Campus Clipper has been offering awesome student discounts in NYC,  from the East Side to Greenwich Village. Along with inspiration, the company offers students a special coupon booklet and the Official Student Guide, which encourages them to discover new places in the city and save money on food, clothing, and services.  At the Campus Clipper, not only do we help our interns learn new skills, make money, and create wonderful e-books, we give them a platform to teach others. Check our website for more student savings and watch our YouTube video showing off some of New York City’s finest students during the Welcome Week of 2015.


Come to SmashBurger with an Ex-Vegetarian

Wednesday, October 25th, 2023

After being vegetarian for four years I have recently started eating meat again, and let me just say, I am so glad to be back to burgers. The other day I went to SmashBurger, which is in Back Bay just a few hundred feet from the Copley stop on the Green Line, and it was truly so delicious. I was coming from the Orange Line, but it was just a few minutes walk from the Back Bay stop, which was super easy. It’s also in a great area, with Newbury Street closeby and lots of opportunities to shop and putter around. 

The building itself was under a bit of construction, but its interior had a sort of clean, modern look. They were also decorated for Halloween! They had decorative cobwebs and spiders, and as a girl who loves Hallwoeen, I was thrilled to see them so festive! The menu was pretty extensive, but not overwhelming, but it did take us a minute to decide what to get. Once we settled on what we wanted, we got our order in and sat down to wait! It didn’t take long at all, and they brought our food out in these cute little wire plates, diner-style. 

I got the double smash burger, which is seemingly the signature burger there, and it was so good! The burger itself tasted really fresh and was cooked well. I don’t really like tomatoes or onions, but wanted to get it without any substitutions just to get the full experience. Honestly, I was surprised how much I liked it with everything on it, I think it just all tasted so good together that my hatred for tomatoes couldn’t even phase me. My milkshake was also really good, I love a strawberry milkshake with a burger and it all paired really well with each other. The shake was also sort of gorgeous, sporting a whipped cream top and some type of strawberry syrup garnish which added some extra flare. They had some extra so they also gave my partner a little milkshake with the excess which was really nice of them!

We also got a crispy chicken sandwich, which must have been made fresh because it was super hot when we got it, but it was cooked perfectly and so yummy when it cooled down. The real star of the show had to be the fries, though. We could literally not get over how good they were. They were the perfect type of thin-cut fries where they are crisp but not hard, and tender but not soggy. They were also really flavorful on their own, so I even forgot to eat them with sauce because they didn’t even need any! 

Another thing I really like about it is the staff environment. They were nice to us, but what I appreciated most was the good energy they had towards each other. The staff here seemed to be in good spirits and seemed to genuinely enjoy each other’s company, which sort of added to the good vibes of the place. 

Overall, great eats and great atmosphere there! You can use the coupon below to get 15% off when you visit with your student ID, so go enjoy!

By Erin O’Brien

Erin is a student based in Boston, MA studying Communications and Studio Art. She is drawn to telling stories about love and friendship, with themes of humanity and connection at its core. In sharing her personal truths, she hopes to provide readers with nuggets of learned wisdom and college survival skills

For over 20 years, the Campus Clipper has been offering awesome student discounts in NYC,  from the East Side to Greenwich Village. Along with inspiration, the company offers students a special coupon booklet and the Official Student Guide, which encourages them to discover new places in the city and save money on food, clothing, and services.  

At the Campus Clipper, not only do we help our interns learn new skills, make money, and create wonderful e-books, we give them a platform to teach others. Check our website for more student savings and watch our YouTube video showing off some of New York City’s finest students during the Welcome Week of 2015.
