Posts Tagged ‘NYC subway’

Balancing The City

Thursday, June 20th, 2024

Screeching metal wheels, passing footsteps, and foreign languages flood your senses when walking down the average New York City street. For myself and many others who didn’t grow up in the hustle and bustle of the city, it can be quite an adjustment. Exploring and understanding your new college environment is a challenge on its own, but I believe it’s important to venture beyond campus walls and appreciate the city that is at your fingertips. Even if you’re moving into the city with an open mindset, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. While my time in New York has been limited so far, I’ve picked up on a few tips that might be helpful to the average New York City freshman. 

First things first, it’s very important to understand your immediate surrounding area. New York City is gigantic, complex, and diverse. With a population that speaks over 200 languages, includes over three million foreign born residents, and houses the most ethnic enclaves in the country, there’s certainly a lot to discover. Even though there’s a whole city to explore, it’s best to start with a home base. Get familiar with your surrounding community! The best way to accomplish this is to walk around, which is convenient, since NYC is one of the most walkable cities in the U.S! As a student at Columbia University, I took it upon myself to become aware of the surrounding Harlem area. I remember walking to so many places that seemed interesting to me during my first few months of college. From cafes, to barbershops, to parks, I was intentionally exploring all my immediate area had to offer me. Ultimately I found success and satisfaction in doing so! One of my favorite cafes in the city is just a 15 minute walk from campus, and my barber is only 10 minutes. Google Maps can be really helpful when it comes to finding destinations. Virtually scanning for nearby restaurants or cafes is a great way to mentally plan out your excursions. Granted, it’s important to do your research on the safety of your given area. Use your best judgment, especially when traveling alone. No matter what region or borough your school is located in, I believe that exploring on foot is one of the best ways to go.

My current google maps view, showcasing all transit lines and saved locations.

Depending on your area, you might be able to get familiar with your surroundings within the first month of college. When you feel comfortable enough, you should take your ventures out past the university area. Seeing as college campuses typically alter the culture of their immediate surrounding area, it can be refreshing to explore the city outside of the “university bubble”. While your immediate neighborhood is the most accessible, it’s worth it to take the extra step to experience a more authentic side of New York. For destinations outside of walking distance, public transit is your best friend. New York’s subway system is incredibly extensive, boasting 472 subway stations and 3.6 million daily riders. Thankfully, the system is always accessible and can whisk you from one side of the city to the next with ease. One tip that helped me when it came to exploring the city was setting my Google Maps to transit mode. This allowed me to not only see the subway lines that I would be taking, but also get used to the layout of the system over time. It’s important to have some idea of where you’re going before you get on the subway. Since phone service can get shaky in between stops, I try to carry a paper map with me whenever I can. You can get a portable map for free by simply asking the worker at the booth near the turnstile. In my experience, it’s better to be safe than sorry!

Most important of all, it’s important to find a balance during your time at college. While life at university might feel suffocating at some points, it can be strenuous (physically and financially!) to go out on the town every night as well! Scheduling at least one outing with friends per week was what worked best for me. It gave me something to look forward to during the school week. I suggest trying out what schedule works best for you. Asking questions like “can I afford a $6 matcha five days a week?” or “is it smart to leave campus so late?” can help formulate a plan that makes sense. Finding this balance between campus life and exploring the city is what really makes going to college in New York City worthwhile. So whenever you make the time, I encourage you to get out there and explore all that the city has to offer!

By Thomas Stewart

Thomas currently attends Columbia University and plans to double major in creative writing and human rights. At Columbia Thomas is a staff writer for the City News section of the Columbia Daily Spectator, where he publishes articles that concern the West Harlem community. In his free time, you can find him practicing music or trying new vegetarian recipes

If you’re like me and love looking for new acai bowls, use code PYGCK at Tropical Berry Cafe for 40% off.

For over 20 years, the Campus Clipper has been offering awesome student discounts in NYC,  from the East Side to Greenwich Village. Along with inspiration, the company offers students a special coupon booklet and the Official Student Guide, which encourages them to discover new places in the city and save money on food, clothing, and services.  

At the Campus Clipper, not only do we help our interns learn new skills, make money, and create wonderful e-books, we give them a platform to teach others. Check our website for more student savings and watch our YouTube video showing off some of New York City’s finest students during the Welcome Week of 2015.


6 Simple Things to Do to Make Your Subway Ride More Pleasant

Monday, July 11th, 2016

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If you have to commute to school, you know that NYC subway, efficient as it is, can also be quite distressing. It might be too hot inside the station and too cold or too crowded in the subway car. Plus, there are also all these service changes and delays that make your trip even more stressful. Here are 6 simple things to do that will make your commute more pleasant:

1. Reading a book. If you are a reader like I am, you know that, as you immerse yourself in the author’s world, you might not even notice that your commute took over an hour! Thanks to technology, we no longer have to carry volumes around. Our entire library is stored on our Kindles, iPads and phones, and some classics are available as free ebooks.

2. Listening to music. I find it a great idea to have headphones in my ears even if I’m not enjoying my favorite tunes. It discourages strange people from talking to me, and I can always pretend that I cannot hear them.

3. Talking to people. If you feel sociable, there is always someone you can talk to. You can tell them pretty much anything, since you are highly likely to never see them again.

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4. Peoplewatching / eavesdropping. If you do not feel sociable, you can observe and listen to people from the distance, which may be a lot of fun. I sometimes sit there imagining what story this or that stranger would tell me if we spoke. Why is he dressed this way? What’s in the bag?

One day I was coming back from college, and the train was packed. Suddenly a man came in with a bouquet of flowers. My first thought was, “How is he going to avoid having them smashed?” I was not the only one thinking that. Then one of the commuters suggested that the man give the flowers away to one of the women in the subway car. The man smiled and said that whoever wanted them could have them. Of course, one lady, who already had her hands full with shopping bags, said she wanted them, and she got them. Where else in the world will you see something like that? And they say New Yorkers are rude and not kind to each other…

5. Doing your homework. I know that this is not as much fun as the other activities I have mentioned, but let’s face it: if you have a long commute, you better make the best of it and save your free time for something else. I used to do a large portion of my homework on the train, which included reading textbooks, memorizing and reviewing information, and writing essays. If you’re going to do that, you should try to get a seat to feel more comfortable and be able to spread your books on your lap.

6. Eat your breakfast / lunch / dinner. Even though it is bad subway etiquette, having a bagel on the train is better than going hungry. As I would often go from school straight to work, I would usually eat on the subway, worried that I won’t have enough time. If you do that, please make sure your food doesn’t smell. Otherwise, it will make the ride less pleasant for someone sitting next to you.

Whatever it is you choose to do, make sure you do not get completely distracted. Otherwise, you might miss your stop, or overlook something that you might want to see. And remember: if you see something, say something. Happy commuting!

By Ekaterina Lalo

Ekaterina Lalo was one of the Campus Clipper’s talented publishing interns, who participated in the making of the Campus Clipper’s NYC Student Guide and also wrote articles and restaurant reviews for the Campus Clipper blog, sharing her NYC experiences. 

For over 20 years, the Campus Clipper has been offering awesome student discounts in NYC,  from the East Side to Greenwich Village. Along with inspiration, the company offers students a special coupon booklet and the NYC Student Guide, which encourage them to discover new places in the city and save money on food, clothing and services.  

At the Campus Clipper, not only do we help our interns learn new skills, make money, and create wonderful ebooks, we give them a platform to teach others. Follow each new blog post to read a chapter of our various books and to learn how the Campus Clipper can help you follow your dreams!

Check our website for more student savings on food and services and watch our YouTube video showing off some of New York City’s finest students during last year’s Welcome Week.

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