Our publication, Student Maximu$ magazine, has a mission. First, to provide students with coupons in order to make their experience in NYC a fun and affordable one. Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, Student Maximu$’s mission is to showcase the talents of NYC students. Each issue of Student Maximu$ features a young person who is using his or her unique abilities to make their mark on the world. I’d like to give you a brief snapshot of some of the talented students who have been featured in our magazine. Cheer them on as they succeed, and use their stories to inspire your own!
At only 22 years old, innovative rapper Genesis Be has released 3 albums, performed at sold-out shows, and created a record label. These milestones become more impressive since Genesis Be is not only a woman in a male-denominated industry, but her lyrics do not contain sex, violence, or any of the lurid subjects popularized in rap. Rather, Genesis Be uses her lyrics to promote moral awareness. Called “the CNN of the ghetto,” Genesis uses her musical talent to educate others with such songs as “I don’t discriminate.”
Previously a Jazz Saxophone major at NYU, Adam possesses both musical finesse and an entrepreneurial spirit. In 2008, Adam created Search and Restore, a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of modern jazz in New York. As a jazz musician, Adam was disappointed in how few jazz venues seemed to exist in NYC. Plus, there was limited awareness of the venues in the first place. But Search and Restore is combating that issue. Check out their website, www.searchandrestore.com, to find out about upcoming jazz concerts (and listen to some free tracks!) Also, check out his recent interview with the New York Times here!
Many people love taking photos, but few use this talent to promote social awareness. However, Annie Escobar has implemented her virtuoso for photography to inform others of disadvantaged regions. Recently, Annie traveled to Nablus in the Middle East to document the poverty in that region. While in Nablus, Annie experienced a deep sympathy for the plight of the impoverished families she stayed with, yet at the same time was inspired by their tenacity and spirit. After returning to the U.S., Annie hosted a photo benefit to spread awareness of that area.
A student at NYU, Nick Dee is something of a jack-of-all trades. He’s a blogger (or bleeger, as he’s coined it) a musician, and a stand-up artist. On his original website, www.nickdee.com, Nick Dee seems to hold an informal conversation with you each time he updates. He lets you know of upcoming gigs, and if he doesn’t have any happening, it’s because he’s “too damned busy.” On his official website, http://nickdeeofficial.com, you download or purchase his independently-produced album, “Sorry I’m Not Sorry.” Nick’s tracks synchronise an electropop beat with rap rhythms.
Just last year, Kenneth Molloy, produced his own original play, “Ghost of Dracula,” which sold out during it’s month-long run at the Wings Theater in the West Village. Molloy describes his play as “the bastard child of ‘Dracula’ and ‘The Breakfast Club,’ with a lot more blood and music.” The “Ghost of Dracula” has also been accepted into the New York Fringe Festival. Kenneth experienced a great sense of pride to see his work performed live on stage. He’s currently working on a new play entitled, “Catiline: Historia Arbitrabitur.”
These five students have followed their creative dreams, whether it be writing an original play, producing their own record album, or showcasing a photo documentary. Although each of these students is unique, they have one thing in common–they are letting the world know about them. If you feel you have a talent, don’t hide it in the closet! Follow the examples of Genesis Be, Adam Schatz, Annie Escobar, Nick Dee, and Kenneth Molloy. Get your name out there, whether it means starting a blog or creating your own website. Maybe one day your name will be in the pages of Student Maximu$ magazine.
-Written by Megan Soyars, Campus Clipper blogger
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