In a time of crisis, it is important that we stay connected, not only for your physical health but also for your mental health. One way to stay connected is to plan virtual hangouts with your friends, families, and coworkers! There are many different tools you can use, such as Zoom. Zoom is a great program to create virtual meetings with coworkers and to plan ahead. You can also schedule group Facetimes or Skypes with your loved ones to check in on them and to stay updated on their lives. Another great option is to use Google Hangouts to throw virtual dinner parties! Being there for the people in your lives is important at a time like this not only for them but also for your own mental health.
Another way to stay connected is to check on your neighbors! In case there is a shutdown, your neighbors are the only close people to you. Check-in on them if you are healthy; see if there is anything you can do like running errands or even dog sitting. Especially check on your neighbors who live alone. If they are choosing to quarantine themselves, it could get super lonely; think about sending them over a care package to let them know they are not alone!
A Neighbor bringing over extra food to their fellow neighbor. Neighbor Helping Senior Woman With Shopping
Another way to stay connected and healthy is to go outside in a safe manner. If you are symptom-free in a non-contaminated area, then take some time to walk around your neighborhood or spend time outside in your backyard with your family. Experts say that it is smart to get out of the house if you are cooped up working from home all day.
A final idea to help in this time of need is to simply change your way of thinking. Rather than focusing on the things you cannot do, start thinking about the new things you can implement into your life. You might have more time to do the things you love but usually don’t have time to fit them into your daily schedule. For example, maybe go back to your hobby of painting, journaling, writing letters to loved ones, or simply planning more Facetime calls. We must be optimistic while also staying healthy and these are all ways to do so!
One way Campus Clipper would like to reach out and send help in this time of need is to make you aware of our online discounts you can use to stay safe! For the Waza Sushi Coupon, be sure to click on the link to their website to bring you right to the link where you can get the 15% off your first online order! Here are two coupons that you can use online and more are to come: https://www.campusclipper.com/new/popup1.php?CUP_COD=3871 https://www.campusclipper.com/new/popup1.php?CUP_COD=3870
By Hannah Sternberg
Hannah is a rising senior at James Madison University majoring in the School of Media Arts and Design with a concentration of Broadcast Journalism. She works for her school’s weekly newscast called Breeze TV as a reporter. Her dream is to become a reporter but she also enjoys the entertainment production industry. One of her favorite things to do to relieve stress is dancing.
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