Posts Tagged ‘college students’

DIY Music: What to Know

Thursday, July 11th, 2024

DIY, arguably created around the 1970’s, is a community of artists writing, producing, performing, and releasing music made completely independently. It encourages artists to be self-reliant and evokes complete artistic freedom without associating with big labels. A Medium article by the DIY Report cites the ethics of DIY as: “self-sufficiency, personal relationship with fans, and freedom of expression” (  The idea of DIY is often associated with impromptu shows which are typically held in smaller venues or private homes. It’s well-liked amongst students because of its accessibility and the spontaneity of hosting a show within your own home for small audiences and at a low cost. 

I became introduced to DIY music through many of my musician friends, who upon coming to college, sought to find like-minded artists to collaborate with and form bands. DIY was an inexpensive route for student artists to start performing for audiences and try out new styles affordably and conveniently. My involvement with a student-run coffee shop and event space, Rodrigue’s Coffeehouse at Fordham, also contributed to my discovery of DIY. Rodrigue’s Coffeehouse is a club and an on-campus space for Fordham students where they can enjoy a study space with one-dollar coffee during the day, and concerts at night. We hosted concerts and open mics monthly where student performers could showcase their skills. Being a member of this club was my first exposure to DIY music and fostered my love for finding new artists and supporting up-and-coming performers. 

Beyond Rodrigue’s, Fordham has a substantial culture surrounding house shows. House shows would be hosted by many different students; my roommates and I would occasionally host some of our own. Typically, a band would play at their own house or approach a friend of theirs with better space and propose a date, time, and charge at the door. Since DIY musicians attempt to procure an accessible artist community, charges for house shows are minimal (less than $15) and costs either go towards furthering the band’s projects or a charitable cause. Particularly, during my spring semester, many house shows decided to make their concerts into fundraisers, donating proceeds to causes such as medical aid in Palestine. 

Rodrigue’s Coffeehouse at Fordham University

DIY is an enticing community of artists because it thrives on promoting creativity without constraints. It can be a way to find accessible entertainment within your community, discover new artists, or learn more about music culture. Beyond the university setting, DIY is all over New York City. While there are many designated venues for DIY artists, it never hurts to take a chance on a band performing at your local bar or restaurant. 

Working with a student budget? Enjoy $8.50 lunch specials at Lunetta Pizza Monday through Friday!

By Georgie Fleming

Georgie Fleming is a recent graduate of Fordham University with a BA in Communications and French and Francophone Studies. While at Fordham, she frequently published articles in a music publication and worked as a barista. She grew up in Newport, Rhode Island. She spends her free time going to the beach, reading, and baking.

For over 20 years, the Campus Clipper has been offering awesome student discounts in NYC,  from the East Side to Greenwich Village. Along with inspiration, the company offers students a special coupon booklet and the Official Student Guide, which encourages them to discover new places in the city and save money on food, clothing, and services.  

At the Campus Clipper, not only do we help our interns learn new skills, make money, and create wonderful e-books, we give them a platform to teach others. Check our website for more student savings and watch our YouTube video showing off some of New York City’s finest students during the Welcome Week of 2015.


It Creeps Up on Overachievers

Friday, June 14th, 2024

One of the consequences of being raised as a Golden Child is the need to overachieve. Connecting people’s love and praise to your achievements makes you addicted to them; thus, one milestone isn’t enough. Accomplishing more makes the love received feel constant, transforming it into a vicious cycle. Besides the unwavering need to prove ourselves to others, high-achieving individuals often share another issue. 

The Imposter Syndrome creeps in after every success, making us doubt if we truly deserve the love and recognition we earned. Slowly, we overachievers tend to become self-deprecating folks who mask their insecurities as humility. Our achievements are never rewarding enough. Since childhood, I developed the habit of downplaying my accomplishments, especially those related to academics. The awards I received were insignificant compared to those I didn’t get. To me, my winnings were unimpressive, yet my losses were defining because they proved that I was a fraud.

Image Credit:

As an adult and a college student, the Imposter Syndrome became so loud that I sought help. My therapist taught me tools to silence the self-loathing voice in my head; it is still there, but it is just a muffled sound now. Basically, any negative thought that creeps in after an accomplishment must be fought back by its opposite. For example, after winning four consecutive college English awards for my writing, my mind thought, “Perhaps, only three students were participating. That is the only way I could have won.” To defend myself (from myself), I had to force a different thought, which was something like, “In the unlikely event that only three students submitted, I was still the best of three. That’s awesome.” I didn’t necessarily believe the second thought, but manufacturing it made the first one less loud, less present, and definitely less important. It doesn’t always work, but when it does, it lets me enjoy my achievements some more. 

What has been proven more challenging is handling failure. When your perception of self-value is correlated with your wins, the losses become difficult to digest. The “humbling” thoughts you work so hard to silence when the Imposter Syndrome kicks in become as loud and untamed as children’s screams. Just like that, you can neither enjoy your accomplishments nor process your failures. As a result, you might be tempted not to try at all. If you don’t participate in this contest, apply for this scholarship, or try to enter this program, you would not risk the chance to lose and feel unnerving thoughts forming. It is so easy to be paralyzed by them, so much so that you won’t even try to achieve things again. Being an overachiever is not the best for your mental health, but neither is being a quitter.

Slowly learning to enjoy my accomplishments without belittling them

Practicing kindness and compassion towards myself is what has made failure bearable. When I win something and the Imposter Syndrome appears, I practice my internal dialogue; when I lose, I battle my defeating thoughts with encouraging ones. Once, I spent a whole semester writing a short story for a class and I was so happy with how it turned out that I submitted it to at least five contests for publication, getting rejected each time. My initial thoughts were that I should quit writing because I was simply not good enough; however, using the tools my therapist taught me, I fought myself back. I assured myself that the rejection could mean that my story needed more edits or simply that five judges didn’t find it special enough. “Five opinions don’t define my value as a writer,” I kept saying out loud until I believed it. 

I won’t pretend to tell you that this technique will work with every overachiever out there. I intend to show how I fight back my Imposter Syndrome, so you know that it is possible.  To my eyes, the line between being a high-achieving student and quitting is blurry, and easy to cross without even noticing it. The fear of failing and the inability to enjoy my success tempt me to stop aiming high, which is why I continue to harvest compassion. If you are an overachiever like myself, be aware of this syndrome, of the thoughts that try to push you down, and of the kindness you give to yourself. Seek support if you need to; we sometimes can’t do it all on our own.  

When the Imposter Syndrome appears, I eat arepas as my comfort food. You should try them too! Use this coupon for 15% off!

By Roxanna Cardenas

Roxanna is a Venezuelan writer living in New York City. Her works include essays, poetry, screenplays, and short stories. She explores fiction and non-fiction genres, with a special interest in horror and sci-fi. She has an A.A. in Writing and Literature and is working on her B.A. in English with a Creative Writing concentration.

For over 20 years, the Campus Clipper has been offering awesome student discounts in NYC,  from the East Side to Greenwich Village. Along with inspiration, the company offers students a special coupon booklet and the Official Student Guide, which encourages them to discover new places in the city and save money on food, clothing, and services.  

At the Campus Clipper, not only do we help our interns learn new skills, make money, and create wonderful e-books, we give them a platform to teach others. Check our website for more student savings and watch our YouTube video showing off some of New York City’s finest students during the Welcome Week of 2015.


Confessions of a “Golden Child”

Thursday, June 6th, 2024

You have probably heard about us. The children who behave just as expected—when the expectations are high—and the ones the family brags about. We are known as the “Golden Child” and can do nothing but shine.

Since birth, I was expected to be obedient, the treasure my parents could show the world and say, “She’s such a good girl; she gives us no trouble.” I was—indeed—so good at it. It was my innate talent. My behavior? Impeccable; my grades? Outstanding; and when my little sister was born, I was expected to be something even bigger than a golden child: a role model. And the gold chain of my success started weighing me down.

The heaviness projected towards the shaping of my personality. I became a people-pleasing, rule-following, perfectionist child who hated herself whenever she made a mistake. My parents often described me as “shy” to excuse my quietness, but the reason for my lack of words was nothing else but fear. Fearfulness and the inevitable anxiety that comes with it filled my days, living terrified of saying the wrong thing or acting the wrong way. Somehow, I had connected my high grades and good manners to my parents’ love; one couldn’t exist without the other.

Image Credit:

On the other hand, my little sister would grow to be as imperfect as she needed to be. She would misbehave and do badly in school. Still, instead of getting my parents’ disapproval—like I thought I would get—they hired tutors, stayed on top of her homework, and showered her with gifts anytime she’d get something higher than a D. Regrettably, this response from my parents planted a seed of resentment. I have always loved my sister, but growing up, I couldn’t help but be upset at the different treatments we got. I failed to see that this also affected her, after all, living while feeling you need to reach your big sister’s standards also creates resentment.

As an adult, I understand my parents didn’t think I needed special attention. I was always so put together, “mature for my age,” and such a good student that my achievements were just as expected of me. My A’s were not as impressive as my sister’s C’s. They didn’t do this on purpose or with bad intentions; my sister deserved all the attention she got. Unfortunately, the effects of this imbalance between us are clear. My sister is now a confident woman who understands her value is not determined by her mistakes, while I am still insecure and believe perfection is the only way to get people to love me. However, since I moved to New York City and away from the need to please my parents, I’m slowly finding my worth beyond my grades.

Finding what I enjoy outside of a classroom

When I got here, I made mistakes, so many mistakes. I misbehaved, revealed, and learned to forgive myself for that. I eventually realized my parents didn’t stop loving me even if I wasn’t their golden child anymore, so I forgave them for making me think that. My sister and I forgave each other and became the best friends we were always supposed to be. Most importantly, I took pride in my academic achievements for the first time in a long time. I always told others that “getting A’s is not something to be proud of” as a defense mechanism because it wasn’t celebrated in my house. For five years, I stopped attending school and concentrated on finding what made me worthy.

Throughout the quest to find my value as a human being, I decided to apply for college and allow myself to enjoy my life as a student. For the first time in a while, my high GPA made me proud because I saw it as the fruit of my efforts and not as a testament to my worth, a reason for others to like me. Sometimes it is still tempting to measure my value against my academic achievements because I am still unlearning many things. It is an ongoing, difficult journey but it is also necessary. To fully embrace my college journey, I must let go of my search for perfection and focus on what being a student is about: learning and connecting.

If you are your parents’ “Golden Child” right now and feel the suffocating burden that inevitably comes with it, I hope you understand soon that you are allowed to make mistakes, that you must aim high for yourself and not others, and that your value goes beyond how bright you shine.

Use this student discount for a delicious burger combo. Vegan option available.

By Roxanna Cardenas

Roxanna is a Venezuelan writer living in New York City. Her works include essays, poetry, screenplays, and short stories. She explores fiction and non-fiction genres, with a special interest in horror and sci-fi. She has an A.A. in Writing and Literature and is working on her B.A. in English with a Creative Writing concentration.

For over 20 years, the Campus Clipper has been offering awesome student discounts in NYC,  from the East Side to Greenwich Village. Along with inspiration, the company offers students a special coupon booklet and the Official Student Guide, which encourages them to discover new places in the city and save money on food, clothing, and services.  

At the Campus Clipper, not only do we help our interns learn new skills, make money, and create wonderful e-books, we give them a platform to teach others. Check our website for more student savings and watch our YouTube video showing off some of New York City’s finest students during the Welcome Week of 2015.


A Student’s Secrets to Affordable Entertainment in NYC

Monday, June 3rd, 2024

New York City has been a cultural hub and home to artists across numerous disciplines for most of its history. One of the most exciting parts of NYC is its rich connection to music history and the hoards of artists which are attracted and inspired by the city’s vibrance. Music has always been an important part of my life. In fact, it was an emotional support archor during the pandemic; when creating a playlist for every mood, season, or activity was an ideal way to pass hours at a time. My engagement with live music prior to moving to the city was decently limited due to the inaccessibility of concert stadiums and venues from my small town. Coming to NYC, I could not have predicated that frequenting affordable live music venues would be a large component of my experience. However, it became one of my favorite ways to spend a weekend and become more connected with a sometimes overwhelmingly large city. 

Pretty Sick live at the Bowery Ballroom – November 2022

A brief history of New York music culture: a birthplace of hip hop, punk rock, disco, and new wave. The city is also recognized for the host of genres which it has popularized such as jazz in Harlem, folk in Greenwich Village, and bachata in Washington Heights. New York houses some of the most iconic venues as well, such as the Apollo Theater, Carnegie Hall, and the Lincoln Center for Performing. Later on, I may even discuss how you can visit some of NYC’s iconic venues. It has continuously been a beacon of artistic freedom, inviting innovative creativity and supporting a large community of independent artists. The melting pot of cultures present in New York impact and shape how styles of music have mingled and merged. 

My own experience in New York has largely centered around music culture because it became one of the most accessible ways to find entertainment on the weekends as a college freshman and sophomore searching for under-21 nightlife spots. It can be difficult to find experiences which cater to 18+ audiences in New York despite the multiple universities in the city. Attending live music events became a gateway through which I could experience the city at night and an affordable way to socialize and foster new experiences. To continue nurturing my love for music, I also became involved in the burgeoning music scene at my own university. Fordham’s music community consists of numerous bands which perform on-campus and off in the nearby area and contains many students who go on to pursue music as a full-time career. Attending the performances of student-led bands because a way to meet new people and engage with my university community.

Having live music available within my own neighborhood of Belmont in the Bronx was certainly a privilege, but I still frequented my favorite Manhattan spots often. Overall, music has been a gateway for me to access all that New York has to offer, connect with its rich culture, and maybe even find my own place in an overwhelmingly large city. I want to connect students like myself to these experiences and share tips and tricks for finding affordable entertainment. In the coming chapters, I will both explore my on-campus and off-campus music venue experiences and even include an interview with a Fordham alumni and New York based musician. This will be my ultimate guide to accessing all New York has to offer music-wise including 18+ accessible locations within a student’s budget!

Enjoy 15% off hair services with this special discount for students!

By Georgie Fleming

Georgie Fleming is a recent graduate of Fordham University with a BA in Communications and French and Francophone Studies. While at Fordham, she frequently published articles in a music publication and worked as a barista. She grew up in Newport, Rhode Island. She spends her free time going to the beach, reading, and baking.

For over 20 years, the Campus Clipper has been offering awesome student discounts in NYC,  from the East Side to Greenwich Village. Along with inspiration, the company offers students a special coupon booklet and the Official Student Guide, which encourages them to discover new places in the city and save money on food, clothing, and services.  

At the Campus Clipper, not only do we help our interns learn new skills, make money, and create wonderful e-books, we give them a platform to teach others. Check our website for more student savings and watch our YouTube video showing off some of New York City’s finest students during the Welcome Week of 2015.


My Experience with College FOMO: Choosing Studies over Parties

Monday, June 3rd, 2024

Not being a part of the action is one of the worst feelings for me–that I admit now. I am guilty of finding every excuse available in the book to study over hanging out with new friends, finding free events in the city, and getting college student discounts while at it too. You obviously don’t have to sacrifice one over the other, but I did think so the moment I started college. I partly blame high school for this.

Senior year of high school was stressful. We had to do presentations of our career choice detailing everything from the average annual income, work responsibilities, to the everyday work environment. Out of the 25 or so of us, only two students including myself did our presentation on journalism. I was so excited until I was met with cynical looks and comments like “That won’t pay much.” I felt so defeated because what this meant to me was that I was unprepared for college. I didn’t want to imagine my future was one HUGE question mark.

I felt even worse when I didn’t meet the deadline to register for early college courses to earn credits as a high school senior. It seemed like everyone already beat me to it. When the time came to declare what college we would each be going to, I had no answer. I had applied to about five different colleges—two SUNYs and three CUNYs. My first choice was SUNY Purchase, and I did get accepted. Until my father told me it was too far from home and couldn’t go. I felt betrayed by this decision because it could have finally been my chance to find my crowd. Every other college rejected me, and there came that lack of certainty again. 

I have to give myself credit for knowing how to handle the rejection considering I was basically a social reject all throughout grade school and high school. I found it hard to relate to my peers–-probably had a lot to do with being sheltered and socially awkward. I ultimately found myself going the community college route as my ex-boyfriend advised me. While it wasn’t my first choice, I was relieved to have found someplace to go to college. And I ended up loving it there, too. It was like a second home.

I knew going into community college that I wouldn’t see many familiar faces. Many of my high school classmates practically followed each other to upstate New York for SUNY colleges. Many seemed to mainly want to go for the college parties. While I never considered myself a party girl, there was a part of me that wanted to feel “normal,” as much as I dislike that word now. Bronx Community College did have the occasional party, but it wasn’t the hottest place to be–-not in College Land nor in New York. After a while, I realized that I kept finding myself in unpopular places, and that had to be for a reason. This didn’t mean that I wasn’t a party girl (at least not publicly), just that there was a certain crowd I preferred being around. And certain places too. Like bookstores, cafes, libraries, or public squares. And call me weird, but I never used these places as personal study corners. 

Putting studies over parties during college has its benefits for sure. But you don’t need permission, especially not from your parents to let yourself enjoy a social moment for the sake of it. Stay on track, but also let yourself breathe. A party doesn’t have to mean the end of your studies. 


As a final note, you might genuinely like going the route less taken like I did; no shame in that. Join the “weirdos,” for a change. And stay smart!

Save big and enjoy yourself at this Blue Man Group event using this students special offer!

By Daeli Vargas

Daeli is a recent graduate from the City College of New York with a BA in English and a publishing certificate. She is from the Bronx and is very passionate about all things literary. She hopes one day to publish many books of her own and share her passions worldwide.

For over 20 years, the Campus Clipper has been offering awesome student discounts in NYC,  from the East Side to Greenwich Village. Along with inspiration, the company offers students a special coupon booklet and the Official Student Guide, which encourages them to discover new places in the city and save money on food, clothing, and services.  

At the Campus Clipper, not only do we help our interns learn new skills, make money, and create wonderful e-books, we give them a platform to teach others. Check our website for more student savings and watch our YouTube video showing off some of New York City’s finest students during the Welcome Week of 2015.


Duality of “Student-Athlete”

Thursday, February 29th, 2024

Student-athlete: a term that has set the tone for my college experience thus far. This defining term sounds self-explanatory, but this phrase holds more weight regarding the larger context of managing coursework, fostering and building relationships, and forming lifelong memories that define college life.

Students are more than taking notes in lectures, studying for their next exam, and crossing off that assignment on their never-ending homework list. College is a chance to explore your interests, step outside your comfort zone, and reinvent yourself as you grow into adulthood. It is easier said than done, especially when there is a looming deadline over your head, on top of everything else outside the classroom. 

Post-practice views at 8 am.

I’ve been searching for the sweet spot of balancing school life with activities for as long as I can remember. Like many of my peers, there was always a sports practice, music lesson, or tutoring session to attend, creating a well-rounded perspective on all activities. Starting in middle school and to this day as a college student, sports practices consumed my after-school time. These sports, ranging from swimming, soccer, softball, lacrosse, tennis, and track to finally, rowing, became my passion and my teacher. The countless hours traveling to races, working on improving my performance during practice, and catching up in the locker rooms have taught me more than I could have ever learned about my relationships with myself, my teammates, my time, and more.

Stepping into the role of a college student-athlete was natural and unnatural in all aspects. As a student, there was a strict schedule I knew how to follow: going to class, doing homework, and learning new material. As an athlete, there was a similar strict schedule I knew how to follow: going to practice, setting aside time for recovery, and fueling to do it all over again. Combining the two in newfound ways with the freedom of being in college was something I was not used to. Not knowing when or what to sacrifice in my already growing schedule became an odious task. There was always difficulty in compromising, a fear that I would give up performing to the best of my ability in one aspect of my college career for another. There were times when I did not know whether I should take the extra hour of sleep and go to bed early to wake up for my 6 am practice or take the extra hour to study for my exam the next day. These are compromises that I still struggle to make, yet it has become easier with time and practice, learning when to stay focused and disciplined for a given time and when to relax and experience the true meaning of college life in all its various reflections. 

Being a student-athlete has given me a different perspective on college life that I did not foresee. Even with all the extracurricular activities growing up, stepping into the role of a full-time student and a full-time athlete seemed daunting. But I would not trade this experience for any other, just as there should be no such thing as trading one identity for another. There is room for all versions of yourself, your passions, and your talents that make you who you are. College is a time to explore these opportunities to your liking, and through some tips and tricks I’ve learned along the way, I hope it becomes clear that there is a way to achieve balance and lead with conviction and passion.

Use this student discount to enjoy a free coffee with a $5 purchase!

By Lecia Sun

Lecia is a student at Tufts University studying Classics and World Literature. When she is not reading, she can be found attempting the New York Times Games, trying out a new creative hobby, and dreaming about her next great bake. 

For over 20 years, the Campus Clipper has been offering awesome student discounts in NYC,  from the East Side to Greenwich Village. Along with inspiration, the company offers students a special coupon booklet and the Official Student Guide, which encourages them to discover new places in the city and save money on food, clothing, and services.  

At the Campus Clipper, not only do we help our interns learn new skills, make money, and create wonderful e-books, we give them a platform to teach others. Check our website for more student savings and watch our YouTube video showing off some of New York City’s finest students during the Welcome Week of 2015.


on classroom camaraderie

Monday, July 11th, 2022

Let me set the scene: It’s 2018. I’m a freshman. I’m in a foundations class, the kind where we’d learn basic art student stuff- rudimentary color theory, composition, how to create a focal point. It’s mid-September. By now, a quarter of the class has distinguished themselves as Good Artists, a quarter’s revealed themselves as Artists So Bad We’re Wondering How They Got Here, and the other half of us are just… average. 

A few rows ahead of me sits this absolute whiz kid. Their work has style, it has voice. They use layers. They make digital art like it’s nothing, their Apple stylus sweeping over the current assignment they’ve started up in Procreate. Our professor, making laps around the classroom, takes a pit stop at their desk. “Great job,” he says, before going on to compliment their use of space. 

They are a Good Artist. 

I look down at my own paper filled with loose sketches. I think about Whiz Kid those few rows ahead of me. Their work is a Renaissance masterpiece and mine is incomprehensible. I feel the usual twinge of jealousy settle into my stomach and, in that moment, I can’t help but think, “I’ll never be on that level.”

a person watching a peer a few seats ahead.
Staring down the competition from afar…

Flash forward to 2022.

Whiz Kid is having a graduation party and I’m invited. When I show up, all the best students of the class are there, and we eat fondue and laugh and have a grand old time. It’s amazing. At one point, I say to them, not for the first time, “You know, freshman year, I thought you were so intimidatingly cool.”

They laugh. “Dude, I always thought you were so cool!”

The night goes on. We socialize, we party- we even do a few little drawing games (you can graduate art school, but you never stop being an art student). Someone brings up the idea of maybe starting a collective, doing big group projects, moving forward as a team.

As we celebrate the culmination of these four years, I find myself wondering: how did I let myself miss out on being close to such a cool group of people?

The answer is simple, clear, and ultimately unsurprising: academic competition. 

It sprouted in kindergarten, where I just had to be at the highest reading level for a five-year-old. It plagued me in high school, where an A- just wasn’t a good enough grade. So, of course, it followed me to college too. The thing is, it follows everyone. 

In a study done by Julie R. Posselt and Sarah Ketchen Lipson, the duo found that heightened academic stress and perceived competition had increased the rates of mental illness in college students (“Competition, Anxiety, and Depression..”). According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, 25% of college students were diagnosed with or treated for a mental illness- and that’s just the ones who could afford to see a therapist. When you’re surrounded by a myriad of great minds, it’s easy to feel like the least capable among them. Imposter syndrome is a very real struggle, and once it sets in and tells you that you’re not good enough, anxiety is swift to follow, because what if everyone else thinks you’re a fraud, too?

When you’re in the throes of feeling like the worst, it’s easy to forget there’s other people who feel the same way about themselves, too. 

There’s no catch-all solution to imposter syndrome and the pressure of academic competition, but therapy and peer support are a great place to start. In an article from the Journal of Food Science Education, Shelly J. Schmidt hones in on how friendship actually boosts academic success at the college level (“The importance of friendships for academic success”). Students were “approximately 16 times more likely to become study partners with a friend than a nonfriend,” which indicates not a preference of social life over academics, but a preference to learn alongside people that provide an environment of encouragement. They were ready to engage with new material; it just helped to do it with friends.

a pair of friends studying from a comically-large book titled "textbooks 101."
It’s easier to get stuff done when working through it with a pal!

By bonding with peers and developing a sense of camaraderie, students were able to foster connections that made them better learners. Doing work alongside people you care about makes it feel way less like work- it turns it into an opportunity to learn and grow. It’s scary to befriend the competition, but you’ll feel way better once you start building each other up.

From an art student perspective, it’s so easy to envy different abilities. But no one’s going to do what you’re doing. Just because someone else develops work with an amazing voice, it doesn’t mean yours is inherently worse- it just means you and your peers are doing different things. Do you in a way no one else can, and be proud of your peers for doing the same. Who knows? Maybe if you get really close to them, you’ll get to go to a grad party with fondue.

two different styles of art with the subheading "good... aannd also good."
Skill has so many different looks.

tl;dr: different isn’t always better or worse- don’t let competition stop you from making friends!

Wanna create some interesting new art with the cool peers you just learned how to approach? Check out Blick Art Materials! 

By presenting your student ID and your Campus Clipper coupon, you’ll score 10% off your purchase. Check it out- they literally have everything, and it’s always so much fun to poke around and look for new mediums.

By Ness Curti

Ness Curti is a freshly-graduated illustrator from the Lesley College of Art and Design. A part-time bobarista and full-time New England adventurer, they hope to one day tell stories for a living, whether through art or words. They enjoy doodling, procrastinating, and saying hello to the dogs they pass on the sidewalk.

For over 20 years, the Campus Clipper has been offering awesome student discounts in NYC,  from the East Side to Greenwich Village. Along with inspiration, the company offers students a special coupon booklet and the Official Student Guide, which encourages them to discover new places in the city and save money on food, clothing, and services.  At the Campus Clipper, not only do we help our interns learn new skills, make money, and create wonderful e-books, we give them a platform to teach others. Check our website for more student savings and watch our YouTube video showing off some of New York City’s finest students during the Welcome Week of 2015.


Giving Back: Be Prepared

Thursday, April 10th, 2014


Now that you have recognized your strengths and passions, and you understand the importance of researching, we should discuss expectations and how to get started. Unless I have become the J.K. Rowling of the “how to” eBook world, which would be an awkward title, you are probably reading this alone. There is no fan club picking this up, so you are probably sitting at home and reading this because 1. I know you and made you, or 2. You have a personal interest in volunteering, but do not have an available organization or club to tell you step-by-step guide on options and expectations. Hopefully these tips will help you feel more comfortable, flexible, and prepared to begin serving in your community.


  1. Serving can be more than a soup kitchen
    Nothing is wrong with serving weekly at a soup kitchen. But why is this always in the movies as the most popular hit volunteering opportunity? There is so much more than that! Look back at your skills and personality traits and use those to serve. If you like building and creating with your hands, jump on a Habitat for Humanity project. If you’re artsy, offer to paint or create illustrations for a nonprofit. Love sports? Volunteer to be a children’s soccer coach for a season with children. The more interests you have, the more opportunities you have to serve.

    Don't be Barney Stinson and wait until mandated Community Service to volunteer locally.

  2. Be realistic with your wardrobe
    This should be very obvious. If you are working with children or teenagers, dress in a way that you would want your child to dress. It’s awkward for parents to meet a youth leader and have to worry about “where to look”. If volunteering with a professional organization, dress to impress, despite the fact that you’re not a staff member. If you love volunteering there and they’re hiring, who would they rather hire, an outside candidate or you? More likely than not it’s fine to wear a t-shirt and jeans. Just be smart.
  3. Commitment
    No fancy way to say it, it’s a pretty important trait so there is no three word combo like “commitment ceases conflict”, although that does sound good. When you find an organization you love, you will be on fire to serve. And hopefully when you go, you will enjoy your experience so much that you won’t want to leave. But don’t dive in too deep. Be realistic with your schedule, yet tactful. If you can volunteer once a week, awesome! If you can only commit to once a month, that’s fine too. As time passes you may feel like you’re missing out, and you will find a way to make time in your schedule. Like I stated in a previous article, if you volunteer somewhere you love, it won’t even feel like work.
  4. Practice Flexibility and Patience… what everyone loves to hear!
    That was sarcasm, if you didn’t realize, or is this the first sentence you have ever read by me? It’s preeettty common in my writing. As much as I would like to encourage you to volunteer in a position that you love, the fact of the matter is that specific position may not always be open. But don’t feel discouraged; instead try a different job. As always, you never know: but you might love it. If not, hopefully you can just get your foot in the door for other volunteering opportunities in the future. For example, at my church in Jersey I serve on Sundays helping with young children…like babies… with poop and stuff. It was not my first, or second choice, but I knew the church needed the help. Now not only do I love seeing the same little faces each week, but I’ve talked to others about different serving opportunities that I can use my talents for. And now I am helping with the social media aspect of the church. Because I was willing to help in one way and waited patiently, jumping at other volunteering opportunities, I am not only enjoying working with children but also assisting 140 characters at a time.


Awe isn't this such a precious picture of changing a diaper...ABSOLUTELY DECEITFUL...but I will spare you the horrifying details...


I hope that you feel a bit more prepared, not to change a diaper, that requires real life experience, but hopefully you feel open and ready to serve where ever you are placed! You are probably still wondering why I haven’t helped you connect with an organization or tips towards that. Well, keep reading.



Samantha Bringas

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The Decision Making Process

Wednesday, March 12th, 2014

Now that the goals for a trip are set up, it is time to get into the gnitty gritty details on how to plan for the trip!  So the question being raised now is where should I go?

Deciding where to go

Now, this is normally not a hard question to answer because people usually have destinations in mind when they want to travel, but what about those who have no idea where to travel?  What about those who don’t think they have enough money to travel?  Well, here are some tips to consider:

-There is always the option to travel locally.
-Make sure the travel plans are within a reasonable budget.
-Use goals to help decide where to go.

For those who have never traveled before, the first suggestion I will give is to travel to somewhere close by.  Whether it is only fifty miles away or just to the next state over, short distance travelling is also travelling.  Travelling a short distance allows people to get a feel on how it is to travel.  If your hometown is New York City for example, travelling to Long Island and staying there overnight can give one a new outlook on how different somewhere so close can be.  Even going to Philadelphia and checking out their town hall and market can be an amazing travelling experience!

For those who wish to travel some longer distances, it is important that the location is within budget range.  Being a college student strictly increases the financial impact that money has on travelling.  When planning for a trip, one must always take into account how much money is available.  Realistically, it is near impossible to plan a trip to India with only two-hundred dollars.  Travel costs, accommodation costs and food costs are some of the obstacles that might get the way.  My rule, although not always applicable, is to add two-hundred dollars to a trip costs after making it.


Remember the goals list?  Use that to help create the best personal plan.  A list of goals is the first step in creating the skeleton for a good travel plan.  It is the foundation and first step in creating a good travel experience.  Don’t forget that Tripadvisor is a great tool when looking for places to go.

Deciding where to go will ultimately depend on the individual.  Do not forget that although travelling can be a great adventure, the process will have some expenses on way or another.  Traveling takes time, effort and energy.  As other issues are delved upon, it will greatly impact the trip and help solidify the need for planning.



This was written by Gary Chen of Stony Brook University

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Starting a New Adventure

Wednesday, February 12th, 2014

For the past decade, tuition across the spectrum has been increasing every year globally.  Over the past three years alone, college tuition has increased on an average of 3% a year! Although many college students are saving all those pennies and quarters to pay for their college tuition, it doesn’t mean there should be a ban on globe-trotting.  Travelling is one of the best things that a young adult can do for themselves.  As people get older, settle down, get a job and have more commitments to fulfill, traveling becomes harder.  Young people should seize their youth and travel to their heart’s content; many articles have shown that one of the biggest regrets dying people have is that they never got to travel while they had the chance.

College Funds can even be found in cookie jars!

Every inch of this earth holds an experience of a lifetime that can help meld one into their perfect future self.

Travelling to foreign lands can be a real eye opener to all the different things the world has to offer.  Like being tossed straight into the fire, travelling throws people into the heart of culture hotbeds different from home and forces them into new situations.  Finding new friends, uncovering new flavors, and scaling mountains higher than skyscrapers are only some of the situations which might be encountered!  Such experiences are memories that many travelers hold dear for the rest of their lives, even to their deathbed.

Having been a poor college student myself, I know the very troubles that might come along with travelling.  Accommodation, food and travel costs can take a heavy hit on a college student’s wallet.  On top of that, with the heavy course load that comes along with being a college student, students may be discouraged with their ability to travel.  In the end, these problems are nothing more than excuses.  With proper planning and guidance, traveling can be done without breaking the bank.

The process before traveling can be as daunting as travelling itself.  Still, with hard work and proper preparation, travelling is well within the average college student’s grasp.  These series of articles will show some of the best means and methods I have discovered on my travels to get the most college savings even while travelling the world.  Having traveled to South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan and Japan this year alone as a college student, I have learned not only important lessons which to build my life upon but also some of the most efficient ways to travel.


Gary Chen Stony Brook University

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