Sports have been integral to my upbringing and college experience, and I can’t talk about making community through entertainment without delving into one of my most beloved hobbies. No matter where you come from, everyone has likely watched or played a sport, cheered for a team, or worn team merchandise while growing up. I own a Georgian football (soccer) team jersey, and cheering for them at the UEFA European Championship was one of the highlights of my summer. The other highlight was tuning in to the Summer Olympics. I try to bring my love of sports and being active into more experiences at Emerson to make like-minded friends and be part of a community.
Intramural sports have been the perfect way to expend some energy and have fun with other people. I attend intramural volleyball, and I managed to convince many of my friends to join me on that adventure. I’ve connected with new people I would otherwise never meet and have formed and strengthened bonds. And because volleyball is a team-focused sport, I get to make plays with my teammates to defeat our opponents. Once volleyball ends, I feel accomplished, high on endorphins, and quite hungry.

Another great way to experience a sense of community through sports is to do the more obvious thing – go and watch games! I’ve gone to Celtics games with friends and family, cheap hockey games, and a baseball game (once was enough for that one, honestly.) I’ve also watched and cheered for our Emerson College basketball and volleyball teams. Emerson hosts fun events such as dodgeball nights and kickball, and they even have foursquare and costume dodgeball later this month. Suppose you’re not a fan of sports involving balls though. In that case, there are also dance clubs, yoga sessions, a hiking club, running clubs around the Boston area, and countless other opportunities to join activity-centered organizations.
I consider hiking, biking, and rock climbing more leisurely and casual activities but if done competitively, they can also become sports. Partaking in those experiences has also been nothing short of fun, enriching, and exciting through the different kinds of people I meet along the way.

There is a world of value in seeking out sports and team-building activities. At first, I always had doubts – what if I’m the worst player there? What if I absolutely suck and embarrass myself in front of others? What if I get injured? When partaking in sports, there is always a possibility of injury and it’s important to listen to our bodies and take it easy especially if you have prior injuries. However, because opportunities like intramural sports are so low-stakes, there is less of a reason to exert ourselves or take risks to the point of possible injury. Nonetheless, injury can still happen and we shouldn’t forget that.
In terms of embarrassment, that’s just part of it. Sports are fun in part because nobody is perfect at them. Points are scored through mistakes and we can’t grow and improve our skills without failing first. Everything including basketballs, volleyballs, footballs, dodgeballs, and more has hit me in the face, and I think I’ve turned out alright!
By Natia Kirvalidze
Natia Kirvalidze studies Writing, Literature, and Publishing at Emerson College. She is a Publishing Intern at Campus Clipper, serves as the Features Editor for Page Turner Magazine, and is the Managing Editor of Green Magazine. She enjoys playing chess, hiking, and making checklists.
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