Posts Tagged ‘careeradvice’

Intentionality as a Young Adult: Identifying What You Find Valuable

Friday, September 27th, 2024

I originally went into college as a Political Communications major, my school’s version of Political Science. I had always been very passionate about politics and thought the best way to utilize this interest was to go into the political field directly. Maybe become a lawyer, or even run for office one day! About a month into college, though, I realized there was no way I could continue with this as my full-time job. It stressed me out way too much, and I could feel my mental health beginning to decline in the worst way. I also go to a very creative college, and I looked around at all my peers, many of whom were following their creative passions, and felt jealous that my whole life wasn’t the one thing I’ve always loved above all else — writing. So after my first semester, I ended up changing my major to Creative Writing. 

I don’t start off with this story to tell anyone that going into a creative field is definitely the right thing for them. On the contrary — going into a creative field has its downsides too. The study “Creative Burnout: Suffocating The Future of Design” by Kayla Roles discusses in depth how creative individuals who make their passion their whole life can experience a type of burnout that prevents them from finding joy in their art.

(Photo Credit:

I tell this story instead to demonstrate how I began to identify the things I find valuable in my life. While I care deeply about politics, I also value my mental health. And above most other things, I value my creativity, and having avenues to explore it in my day-to-day life; hence why I wanted to study it full time.

But how do you truly identify what you find valuable? You may have a vast array of interests and, as I mentioned in the previous chapter, experience a choice paralysis in determining which are the most important to you. I have a series of questions I tend to ask myself when deciding if I should pursue something new. First, what are the things I find myself gravitating towards the most often? What do I spend the most time thinking about? For me, one of these things, whether it was negative or positive, was food. Even if I was anxious about my food consumption, it was ultimately because I’ve always enjoyed food so much. 

Like in the case of Political Communications, I also always ask if this is something I can actually see myself doing. While you may have certain passions, not all of them are realistic with our lifestyles or personalities. I also have a vested interest in sea creatures, but I don’t think it’s realistic with my current education or location to try and become a marine biologist. 

Lastly, if something is truly valuable to you, it will also add value to your life. Like with the food example, you may really enjoy specifically fast food. However, if you’re just eating fast food all the time, that isn’t going to be particularly positive for your body. You can always reshape this into something more positive overall, though, such as an appreciation for food in general. That way, you can find healthier alternatives that you may end up enjoying more!

At the end of the day, even if the things that you find valuable don’t necessarily become your job, it’s important to make time for the things that you find true value in. Just going through the motions in your everyday life won’t lead to living the life you truly want or deserve to lead. However, if you are interested in making a career out of your passions, or using them to make some extra cash, then be sure to check back in for my next chapters. 

For when you’re stressed out by all the potential opportunities in your life, you can get 20% off your next treatment at Best MG Spa! Just pay with cash and bring this coupon and your student ID. 

By Izzy Astuto

Izzy Astuto (he/they) is a writer currently majoring in Creative Writing at Emerson College, with a specific interest in screenwriting. His work has previously been published by Hearth and Coffin, Sage Cigarettes, and The Gorko Gazette, amongst others. He is currently a reader for journals such as PRISM international and Alien Magazine. You can find more of their work on their website, at Their Instagram is izzyastuto2.0 and Twitter is adivine_tragedy. 

For over 20 years, the Campus Clipper has been offering awesome student discounts in NYC,  from the East Side to Greenwich Village. Along with inspiration, the company offers students a special coupon booklet and the Official Student Guide, which encourages them to discover new places in the city and save money on food, clothing, and services.  

At the Campus Clipper, not only do we help our interns learn new skills, make money, and create wonderful e-books, we give them a platform to teach others. Check our website for more student savings and watch our YouTube video showing off some of New York City’s finest students during the Welcome Week of 2015.


Intentionality as a Young Adult: Introduction

Friday, September 20th, 2024

Throughout my time at college, the main thing I’ve learned about myself is how much I value intentionality. College is a transitional period for everyone — a time where you can learn things about yourself that you typically would never be able to in the community you grew up in. I have loved my college experience overall, but the struggles I have had were due to a lack of intentionality in my decisions. 

I’m generally a pretty anxious person, leading to the occasional inability to make decisions in my life. The flipside of this is when I overcorrect, making rash decisions to try and force a type of spontaneity into my life that doesn’t necessarily need to be there. Mistakes like this have greatly complicated my relationship to many aspects of my life, and I’m sure many other college students feel similarly! 

Take my career path, for example. As someone with a vast amount of interests, making decisions on what I want to do in the future has been difficult. Looking out at all of my potential career paths I’ve felt a choice paralysis, not letting me make one concrete decision. Understandably, this makes looking for jobs even more difficult than usual for a college student. 

Another thing I struggle with is food consumption. I’ve always found it difficult to make food exciting. When I was younger, I struggled with consistent eating, more concerned with the way my body looked than nurturing it properly. While I’ve recovered from many of these more disordered thoughts, it’s still hard for me to view food normally. Oftentimes, the thought of cooking for myself and knowing what’s best for my body creates a similar type of paralysis to my career aspirations. 

The best solution I’ve found for both of these things is in fact one and the same — the aforementioned intentionality. When I feel anxiety that threatens to cripple my ability to take full advantage of the life I’ve been granted, I allow myself to take a step back. Instead of letting myself wander through life without a clear vision of what I’m doing moving further, I work best when I’m able to sit back and identify what I find valuable. This is the main theme of what I want to impart to readers throughout the course of this guide. 

Photo Credit:

In the book Intentions and Intentionality: Foundations of Social Cognition by Bertram F. Malle, human cognition is said to be impossible without intentionality. This explains my personal connection to the concept, and why I place so much emphasis on it. Intentionality has helped me find ways to make food exciting again, which has actually also led to a career opportunity! In later chapters, I’ll go over how my renewed love for food has led me to  professional writing opportunities and created a job that I never thought I would want. 

This has been another part of intentionality for me — placing value in the work that I do. I only spend my energy on jobs I’m truly passionate about and I feel like feed me creatively. There are plenty of ways to make and save money while following your wildest career dreams, as long as you’re intentional with how you go about it. The best example of this is the very platform I’m writing this on, the Campus Clipper blog. Campus Clipper provides college students discounts for plenty of activities we would want to take part in anyway, but makes them more accessible to all. Finding niches like this is the number one way to truly be intentional with your money and time, particularly in college. 

The rest of my chapters will focus on a plethora of other ways you too can identify your genuine interests, and create value through your everyday life. 

Blick has saved so many film sets for me before with their vast array of art supplies. Just make a student customer account to receive a 10% discount for yourself to check it out!

By Izzy Astuto

Izzy Astuto (he/they) is a writer currently majoring in Creative Writing at Emerson College, with a specific interest in screenwriting. His work has previously been published by Hearth and Coffin, Sage Cigarettes, and The Gorko Gazette, amongst others. He is currently a reader for journals such as PRISM international and Alien Magazine. You can find more of their work on their website, at Their Instagram is izzyastuto2.0 and Twitter is adivine_tragedy. 

For over 20 years, the Campus Clipper has been offering awesome student discounts in NYC,  from the East Side to Greenwich Village. Along with inspiration, the company offers students a special coupon booklet and the Official Student Guide, which encourages them to discover new places in the city and save money on food, clothing, and services.  

At the Campus Clipper, not only do we help our interns learn new skills, make money, and create wonderful e-books, we give them a platform to teach others. Check our website for more student savings and watch our YouTube video showing off some of New York City’s finest students during the Welcome Week of 2015.


Chapter Five: Looming Graduation & Lingering Uncertainty

Friday, September 10th, 2021

In my previous chapter, I discussed the importance of being intentional with your time. I only began to realize this in senior year– far later than I would have preferred. I spent a good chunk of my undergraduate years suffocated by insecurity, which prevented me from pursuing certain social opportunities. Once I gained at least some confidence (it’s a lifelong process, isn’t it?) I began to go out more with friends, and I wasn’t overly concerned with how I looked or how much I ate that day. Graduation time crept up on me as I realized I only had a few months of school left. 

Then, COVID-19 upended everyone’s lives. Amidst all of the existential dread of graduating and parental pressure, I decided to take the LSAT in the fall with the aim of becoming an environmental lawyer. (This seems to be a right of passage for humanities majors.) When I took the actual LSAT in September, it was far from reflecting the best score I had gotten in practice, and the kicker was that while it made me feel dumb, I didn’t want to be a lawyer anyway: I only wanted to be a better writer.

The reason I decided to pursue Media and Communication again was not only to have some closure after not being able to graduate in the traditional sense, but to do what I’ve always wanted to do: comedy. I am studying Communication because of the dual interest in politics and comedy that The Daily Show with Jon Stewart sparked in me in high school. After the 2016 election, I felt extremely anxious and decided to pivot explicitly toward politics for a few years after completing my first internship at a comedy club. 

Nikki Glaser performing at Gotham Comedy Club during my internship

I think I lost the plot along the way. I became embroiled in the world of politics, when that too never felt like the perfect fit for me. I applied to some Political Communication programs and, although I was accepted, I knew I wanted to go back to NYU. Of course it’s a very different conversation to have with your parents that you want to be a comedian, than the one about wanting to be a lawyer. But if the latter is a lie to yourself too, then why pursue it? 

School is a way to grow your network of relationships, and try new things within the support structure of academia. If you’re looking to pivot careers, especially in the middle of a pandemic, going back to school can be a good place to start, depending on your financial priorities. 

Fall near NYU Campus

There’s a really pretentious phrase I recently heard an actor say in an interview that I want to share: “Don’t act unless you have to.” I think you could apply this philosophy to a lot of jobs that may involve constant rejection and (job) insecurity, even though it is pretentious. It took me a long time to finally decide to pursue comedy for myself, which I’ve always loved above all else, and which catalyzed my passion for other fields like public service. But what if I fail? That would be embarrassing. Nonetheless, I now feel that I have to try anyway because I already regret not starting comedy when I was younger. I don’t regret my years in politics (which frankly gave me great comedic material) because I still felt a sense of purpose, but that sense has been relatively fulfilled. 

What I hear in “Don’t act unless you have to,” is that if you know you will be rejected often and are going against all odds, but still want to pursue a passion that people scoff at or cringe at behind your back, then you have to do it. For yourself. 

For me, that’s comedy. What do you have to do? And who cares how long it’ll take! When it comes time to think about what comes after college, you may be overwhelmed by your options. My advice is to consider: what’s your comedy? What do you have to do?

My advice for figuring it out:

  • Don’t wait until Senior Year to have a social life; build your network of relationships professionally and personally 
  • Consider what you love doing above all else, if money weren’t an issue
    • You can do this thing as a hobby, and perhaps work up to doing something professionally if appropriate, or you may prefer to keep it as a hobby
    • Your life should not be centered purely around autopilot labor for income
  • You will be uncertain about pursuing certain passions until you actually start pursuing them; the “what ifs” will weigh on you in a few years so get ahead of them
    • And it is *never* too late or too soon to pivot professionally if you crave something new
  • Good luck!!!

By Anna Matefy

Anna Matefy recently graduated from NYU with a Bachelor’s in Media, Culture, and Communication. She has been working in politics for the past few years, and wants to transition into a career in media entertainment/comedy. She will be attending NYU as a graduate student in Media beginning in 2021.

For over 20 years, the Campus Clipper has been offering awesome student discounts in NYC,  from the East Side to Greenwich Village. Along with inspiration, the company offers students a special coupon booklet and the Official Student Guide, which encourages them to discover new places in the city and save money on food, clothing, and services.  At the Campus Clipper, not only do we help our interns learn new skills, make money, and create wonderful e-books, we give them a platform to teach others. Check our website for more student savings and watch our YouTube video showing off some of New York City’s finest students during the Welcome Week of 2015.


Triage: Learning to Prioritize And Reduce Stress

Saturday, July 29th, 2017





(in medical use) the assignment of degrees of urgency to wounds or illnesses to decide the order of treatment of a large number of patients or casualties.



assign degrees of urgency to (wounded or ill patients).

A few years ago, a nurse told me, “You need to learn how to triage.” She was referring to my schoolwork and life balance using terminology from the hospital. Triage is the process of determining the urgency of a patient’s condition and prioritizing all patients by immediacy of need for transportation and care. For example, someone with an injury to their vital organs will obviously be prioritized above someone with a broken wrist. The nurse was the mother of someone close to me, and I was insulted because I thought she was criticizing my priorities and goals as being wrong. In retrospect, I realize what she saw: a stressed out college student who had no time for anything but school, starved of any fun and relaxation.

Ever since, I’ve been experimenting with how I prioritize time and goals. Sometimes I’m still not certain I’ve got it “right,” but I think this is true for everyone: balance is not a tidy endpoint with a bow on it. Life is always throwing us curve balls, and even when we see them coming we’re not always prepared for the blow. Priorities change, circumstances change, and our goals and estimations of what will make us happy change. And finding the right balance between the many facets of wellness, from exercise and diet to confidence and self presentation, relationships, sleep hygiene, and mental health—on top of the rest of life  (family, chores, school, work, and other responsibilities) is a process and a challenge. But there’s also no feeling like equilibrium. You will genuinely feel healthier, happier, more energetic, and more peaceful when you find it, whatever that equilibrium looks like for you.

In this eternal pursuit of balance, I’ve been learning how to triage. It seems simple and obvious in the context of a hospital and physical injuries, but it can be harder to do with school. Some instances are easy: Say you have a chemistry exam and a French quiz on the same day. The chemistry exam is worth 30 percent of your grade for the course, while the French quiz is 10 percent. You have a limited amount of time to study. Which one do you prioritize? For high-aiming achievers, making these kinds of judgments is inherently stressful because everything feels like a #1 priority. I’ve learned a few effective steps for prioritization that have helped me be a calmer, happier, healthier person, and I hope they help you too!

1. Write down all the tasks you need to get done

The list might look overwhelming at first, but having a physical copy of your tasks allows you to sort through them visually. In your brain, they’re all floating around with equal weight. On paper, they become concrete things that can be ordered and reordered.

2. Triage!

Which obligation is going to metaphorically bleed out and die if you don’t see to it immediately? Which one is an extremity that needs stitches, but not urgent? Assess which tasks need to be completed sooner than others based on time constraints.

3. Consider tasks based on value

If your long term goal is to get a certain grade in a class, then in general it makes sense to do the reading for that class consistently instead of hitting the gym every single day. But now and then you might really need a sweat sesh or an endorphin boost, and if that’s going to be more valuable by upping your mood and energy, it might be worth it to skim through that night’s reading.

4. Consider tasks based on effort

With tasks that have comparable value, estimate how much effort each task will require. Start with the more difficult task first. That way, when you’re losing steam, you’ll still be able to make it through the easier tasks leftover.

5. Accept the limitations of reality

There will be instances where you simply won’t be able to do everything on the list and something needs to go. After you’ve made your time and value estimates for your task list, eliminate the ones you know you can’t get to that day and give your all to the things you can.

I hope these prioritization tips help bring you balance and peace of mind in your pursuit of wellness, success, and happiness! Please share this chapter and these pointers with anyone you think might benefit from them. Though heavily modified from any canonical origin of the Buddha’s teachings, I do appreciate the popular quote, “Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the single candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.” So it is with wellness. Sharing will never decrease your own. Go forth, share, flourish, and delight in your life!

By Sofia Lerner

Sofia Lerner is a Campus Clipper publishing intern who is studying English as a senior at NYU. Passionate about literature, dance, and wellness, Sofia aspires to help the arts thrive and help others pursue healthy lifestyles. For over 20 years, the Campus Clipper has been offering awesome student discounts in NYC,  from the East Side to Greenwich Village. Along with inspiration, the company offers students a special coupon booklet and the Official Student Guide, which encourage them to discover new places in the city and save money on food, clothing and services. 

At the Campus Clipper, not only do we help our interns learn new skills, make money, and create wonderful e-books, we give them a platform to teach others. Check our website for more student savings and watch our YouTube video showing off some of New York City’s finest students during the Welcome Week of 2015.
