Posts Tagged ‘work out’

Who’s Got the Exercise Blues?

Thursday, February 23rd, 2012

With winter still in full tow, I find it more difficult than usual to peel myself from the comfort of my cushiony couch and leave the confines of my toasty apartment.  Admittedly, since moving to New York City, I have become a big homebody and prefer staying home and doing one of five things: cooking, eating, watching my TV shows, reading, and writing.  I rarely ever take the initiative to go for a jog just because.

I recall a time when jogging was actually fun and not a chore.  I lived with my family in a friendly, tight-knit suburban community in Orange County, California, and I loved taking my dogs on walks around the neighborhood.  Going for a walk or brisk jog was something I never enjoyed, but the smiles on my dogs’ faces were well worth the effort.  From there, it progressed to going to the gym with my two best friends, then hiking beautiful trails with views of the ocean and a quiet coastal breeze that cooled you down after an hours-long trip through the canyons.   I became a nature fanatic, and the feeling of accomplishment far outweighed my innate laziness.  I was excited to get back in my exercise groove, but then it hit me: New York City is way freakin’ colder than Orange County is.  The cold weather was the biggest deterrent keeping me from exercising outdoors.  I even bought the 5-toe shoes with hopes of changing my anti-jogging attitude.  Unfortunately, they didn’t work out (mostly because they were extremely funny looking and were way too tight on my toes).  I was convinced this was sign that I needed to find a better alternative to exercise than jogging outdoors.  I began researching gyms that were reasonably priced and had a large selection of machines and programs.  I looked specifically for yoga, pilates and spin classes, and Synergy Fitness Club fit the bill.

If you, like me, are looking for something to fulfill your exercise needs that doesn’t include running in 20 degrees and below temperature, check out Synergy Fitness Clubs.  They’ve got a great selection of classes and programs built to fit your specific needs, be it Butt, Gut & Legs, Kickboxing, or Yoga Pilates.  Or, if you’re the type who just likes to exercise on the machines, they’ve got those as well.  They’ve got an awesome promotion for four free days for both you and a friend.  If you’re hooked by then (which you probably will be), then they’ll also set you up with a student special worth investing in.

Angie, Pepperdine University

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Relax Your Mind and Feel Good

Friday, May 14th, 2010

As a student, it may sometimes seem that stress is never-ending, especially in New York City, which, based on data from is the third most stressful city in the country. The difficulties in balancing school, work, and our relationships can increase stress to the point where it has a negative affect on our physical and mental well-being. According to WebMD, “People who don’t manage stress well can have headaches, stomach pain, sleeping problems, illness, and depression.” However, if it is managed effectively, stress can be defeated, allowing us to live a healthy and more fulfilling life.

Cost Effective Ways to Reduce Stress in Your Life

Workout at the Gym for Free– Many gyms offer guest passes that vary from one day to two weeks for non-members. Colleges and Universities around the city also offer students free access to their facilities. This is a great way to work out without coming out of your own pocket. Just contact your local gym for more details or click on the link below for access to another way to get fit for free.
Shape Up NY

Talk to Someone– Sometimes you just need someone to talk to. Contact your school’s mental health center for details on what services are available to you free of charge. It may also help to find a clergy, relative, friend, or therapist that will listen to you; afterward you may feel relieved to have let it all out. If you still feel a sense of urgency, you can always call 1-800-LIFENET.

Meditate– Look for a quiet place to relax, put your body in any position that you feel comfortable in; stand up, sit down, or lie down and take deep breaths, keeping the focus on your breathing. Continue to do so until you feel the stress melt away. For more information on meditation courses in New York City, take a look at the link below or go to your local library for some books on the topic.
Meditation in New York

Listen to Music– Ever wonder why music is a universal language, it’s because no matter what culture or background you come from tunes can speak to you. Just turn on the radio and before you even realize it, you’ll be dancing and singing or humming and bopping your head. There are also places throughout the city where you can listen to free music. Check some of them out below:
Music at Madison Square Park
Music at Licoln Center
Music at Central Park

-Shana H

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