Posts Tagged ‘Comics’

Venturing in the “Forbidden Planet”

Monday, March 31st, 2014

My trip into the “Forbidden Planet” comic book store was a cool, and surreal experience. Tucked away on the side of Broadway by Union Square, one person referred to it as a “geek haven.”

She later went on to say, “As someone who loves comics, graphic novels, collectible figures, etc., I don’t know why it took me this long to visit Forbidden Planet, which I am told, is a NYC classic and institution for comic books and the like. I am actually ashamed that it took me this long. I can spend hours here, easily. It’s not an overwhelming store by any means. The layout is well-organized, and their comics and graphic novels are placed in alphabetical order on the shelves. Very cool collectible figures and toys are prominently displayed at the front.”

Doesn’t that mean that because comic book stores like the “Forbidden Planet” are thriving, that the comic book industry is also at a peak? Or has the digitalization of comics caused a decrease in actual comic sales?

Vaneta Rogers, comic book sales blogger  explained, “”Publishers taking chances with increased discounts and returnability on certain launch titles has helped retailers find the ceiling easier on those titles,”On-time shipping also helps keep cash flow positive. Compelling stories shipping on a regular schedule are key to maintaining strong comics sales. We’ve gone through a major sea change, much like in the mid/late 80’s where both of the major publishers (Marvel and DC) have raised the grass and planted new seed in the last two years,” Wellman said. “This has led to some grumbling from old time readers, but also much excitement from new blood who has been watching blockbuster super-hero movies for the last decade and just waiting for the perfect ‘jumping-on’ point.”

So the increase in comic book sales, stems from the newfound appreciation created by the release of superhero movies, like the Avengers.


Portrayal of Women in the Avengers

Monday, March 31st, 2014

the portrayal of women in comics is reflective of the portrayal of women in society. At first I thought about the character, the Black Widow, played by Scarlett Johannsen. She appears to be a strong female lead, who not only partakes in the action, but also has emotional scenes. But has Marvel accomplished in showing a female lead in a way that is positive?

Comics, from its initial fanbase, has predominantly appealed to male audiences. The female characters and superheroes created are geared to the majority male community, rather than attempt to appeal to female reader. Does it just stem from the fact that Marvel is just making sure that it survives as a business?

Although many female superheroes were created, very few starred in their own series or achieved stand-alone success. Take for example, the fact that no female superhero hero movie has ever been made that has garnered success. The use of women as plot devices, whose main function is to prompt the hero into action as a defender or in seeking revenge, has been criticized. Black Widow’s function, within the Avenger’s movie, was derived from the function of the other characters. In other words, the Black Widow, as a sole character, would have no merit.

What does that say about our society? That women can’t be independent from men? That a girl has to dress in all leather, of which the Black Widow dons within the Avengers, in order to be just as much of a fighter as the teammates? The form-fitting leather is something that objectifies both the character and the actress, in order to appeal to the dominating male audience.

Because the Avengers is reflective of modern society its portrayal shows how progressive society has become towards women, but also shows where society is lacking. We have progressed, but not enough for sexism to be completely abolished.
