Posts Tagged ‘marriage’

Tying the knot (or not)

Wednesday, June 2nd, 2010

I got married almost six months ago. I had just turned 24, which would have made me a spinster in a different country, but by NYC standards I was one of those nutty, irrational girls you hear about who gets married just when she’s supposed to be at the height of her bar hopping career. None of my peers were getting married (or even thinking about it), and not a single person I encountered could keep their eyes from bulging at the news–especially my little grandma who just kept muttering “But why, Tania? Why?”

My vows (piece of cake)

No, I wasn’t pregnant. No, I didn’t belong to some religious group that ships off girls to the alter at puberty. I was in love, in a caring, supportive, inspiring relationship, and I was just plain ready.

To make matters more scandalous, Brian and I had only known each other for 10 months, and we had moved in together after our second date. Those 10 months seemed like more than enough time for us, but by everyone else’s calculations, we had to be living together for at least four or five years before making any kind of legally binding decision.

It was weird seeing everyone acting so much more nervous than we were. Is it our country’s 50% divorce rate that gets everyone’s proverbial panties in a twist? Is it the fact that our critics haven’t found “the right one” yet, so they assumed it couldn’t possibly be so simple? Or is it that our culture of limitless options (from breakfast cereals to career paths) can’t stand the idea of picking just one of anything? I don’t know.

But here’s what I do know. No one can tell you whether or not it’s the right time or the right person. There’s no rule book for love and no norms. I’d advise that you and your partner are both completely on the same page in terms of expectations and able to talk about your fears and desires openly. But the truth of the matter is that it just has to feel right. Logic helps, but emotion seals the deal. And by the way, for me–it’s the best deal I’ve ever made in my life.

Oh yeah, did I forget to mention we had an Elvis minister? See for yourself 🙂

The Most Romantic Elvis Wedding Ever

– Tania Luna

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