Posts Tagged ‘Lower Manhattan’

Sandy Recovery

Friday, November 2nd, 2012

It’s no secret that we’ve just experienced what could arguably be one of the worse natural disasters in our city’s history, and even though we’re almost a week past the event, it’s still all anyone can really talk about.  That’s mainly because we are still suffering from Sandy’s wrath and will possibly be for the next couple of months.









By “suffering” I don’t mean we’re at the mercy of devastating winds and arctic rain, I mean it in almost every other aspect besides the most literal. The level of damage done to public transportation is still unknown and parts of the city are still without power.  Trains are running on a “limited service” schedule anywhere in the city…above 34th Street. If you’re headed anywhere else in the city, you’re going to have to walk.

Brooklyn commuters may have it worst of all. With substantial amounts of damage done to the borough and parts of Lower Manhattan, getting into the city seems like an almost impossible task. A simple 20- to 30-minute commute may end up taking almost three hours at the height of rush hour. We can only hope that things get better soon, but it will take weeks and maybe months to get the subways running the way they used  to (hopefully even better.)


A line to catch a bus into the city, the only way to commute into Manhattan from Brooklyn.

There is a slight positive to all of this madness. With all the difficulty that comes with the commute, the MTA has granted free train rides for the next two days. Here at Campus Clipper we’re all about “free,” so this was really great news for us to hear. Although it did take me about 2 hours to get into work today, I have to admit that not paying definitely made it a little bit better.

All of us here at Campus Clipper hope everyone is okay and doing their best to return to normalcy. We can all use a little “normal” after the week we’ve had.


Carlos L., Monroe College. Read my blog!!  Follow me on Twitter and Facebook

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