As I was procrastinating on yet another final paper, I decided to check my email to see if I had any exciting messages. While I didn’t have any messages from my professors canceling finals, I DID have a lot of emails: all about upcoming performances and arts opportunities!
As a dance major at my school, I get all the emails our department sends out – the latest company updates from around NYC, opportunities for discounted events, and most importantly, upcoming events. You don’t have to be a part of a college dance department to get these updates, however. Almost every company, dancer, singer, show, and venue has their own email blast that you can sign up for.
So if you have some extra room in your mailbox for mass emails, consider signing up for the e-newsletters of your favorite performers and venues. I’m signed up for City Center, Alvin Ailey, and the Pointe Magazine newsletters in addition to my departmental emails… and probably a few others, too.
My time’s up for finals procrastination, but I’ll be sure to let you in on a few more email secrets later. For now, I leave you with this tip: Check out the City Center website, they offer a GREAT money saving program for students called Peer 2 Peer, which is when they email you with cheap ticket opportunities from time to time. More on that later, once my theses have been turned in to full-length papers!
-Meghan Q
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