You’ve decided to hit the gym, motivated and eager, but you lack the appropriate attire. Your closet is absent of footwear and gear for working out. If you want to go to the gym, act the part, feel the part, dress the part.
Ladies first. Please do not be like my mother when she goes to the gym. She applies make up, puts on jewelry, and does her hair before heading to the gym. She might as well don her wedding gown. The gym is not a fashion show; you go there to work out and sweat. Long hair should be tied back, so it doesn’t get in the way. Earrings, other piercings, necklaces, bracelets, and any other jewelry should be left at home. Jewelry distracts you from achieving a fuller workout, and can get caught on something and break. For your top, a t-shirt will do. You can also find women wearing tight-fit nylon tops, tank tops, and sports bras. For bottoms, sport shorts, sweatpants, or yoga pants are typical.
Gentleman. For the top, a t-shirt or sleeveless shirt is appropriate. For the bottom, you usually see sport shorts or sweatpants. Again, avoid wearing jewelry, and for guys with long hair, tie it back or wear a headband.
Some gyms have rules about attire. Sometimes, sleeveless shirts are not permitted. Oftentimes, sandals and other types of footwear are not allowed. Stop by Zacky’s in Manhattan with your student ID and a coupon from the Campus Clipper for a special discount on shoes and clothes. Sometimes, I wear my glasses to the gym, but they become a hassle and I must constantly push them up on my nose the more I sweat. Try wearing contacts if you have the same issue. If you’re lifting very heavy weights, be safe and use a weightlifting belt and gloves. Your style is important, but your safety comes first.
Disclaimer: Coupons valid before expiration date and while supplies last.
Joey Silver, University of Delaware. Check out my Twitter!
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Tags: attire, clothes, gym, shoes, working out