Hear Ye, Hear Ye!

Greetings Readers,

My first order of business is to introduce myself as a new Campus Clipper guest blogger. My name is Ashley Teal, and I’ll be here to speak on all things Love and of Values. As we all know, the rest of the world sees New Yorkers as fast-paced, dark, and cynical. I’m here to bring a little sunshine into the world, as well as prove for certain that New Yorkers are hopeless romantics just like any mid-western mush or southern sap. With a pinch of realism and a scoop of the warm and fuzzy, I’ll be focusing on the heart warming aspects of life, including advice, psychological studies, and recipes for love potions and swoon worthy dishes.  After all, it can be a drab and gloomy city if you’re looking through the wrong kaleidoscope.

I obtained my B.A. in English gushing over the classics and soaking up the local color of the Hudson Valley’s legendary writers. Some sway for the red carpet’s guest list, while I squeeled with delight at visiting scholars. What kept me wandering the stacks of the university library, letting my fingers run down thousands of cracked, dusty spines, was the work of so many, the lives of thousands, poured into those pages. While it may have been written in solitude, literature speaks volumes about human connection, which thrills my skin to prickles. All human connection is love, which fuels our values.

I hope you’ll all stay with me and leave a little brighter, with a little more faith in humanity and see the glimmer of what we can accomplish as we spin on this big ball together. So, greetings, nice to meet you, won’t you take off your coat and stay a while? Don’t forget to check out my blog:  amteal.tumblr.com


A.M. Teal


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