Photo Thanks to Soda Head

It seems strange to say, but I love the smell of New York City. Most people complain of its filth, its odd, rusty, wet scent, but I happen to love the unique fragrance of the robust little island. Okay, so there is the occasional rancid trash bag or the urine stench coated individual on the subway, but despite the wet weather and commute sweat, New Yorkers still know how to keep it fresh.

I’m thrilled when I find myself in the wake of someone’s cologne or perfume, but we must remember to remain conscious of others’ nasal sensitivities. A good way to avoid overwhelming people with your scent, while still smelling sweet, is to use a perfume oil, or essential oil. An essential oil will give you a radiating scent that increases with your body temperature, but does not over power the senses like most spray scents.

Rub the oil on your wrists, behind your ears, in the crook of your elbow, and behind your knees. The great thing about the oil is that it spreads all day long, and will adhere to whatever you’re wearing, even if you change your outfit midday, and don’t worry, it doesn’t damage your clothing.

Another benefit to using oil instead of an alcohol infused spray is that you can reapply it in public places without causing everyone to choke and gag on the subway or in an elevator. Your scent can be better reserved for those who come in close contact with you, not just anyone on the street. This makes your skin, your touch, more alluring to a mate who can’t wait to get close to breathe in your aroma.

Some places will even let you create your own scents by combining different essential oils. Try The Fragrance Shop at 21st East 7th Street, and you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the number of affordable options. You can make your own unique scent, instead of using a generic, overpriced brand. Bring a friend and spend time trying new scents out, the people at The Fragrance Shop will be more than happy to help! They’re offering free incense for students when they bring a student ID, so stop by soon. Go on, New York, smell delicious.

Written by Ashley Teal, Campus Clipper Blogger

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