
Image credit: coldspringsstudio.blogspot.com

I wouldn’t quite call teatime American, if anything can be called American at all.  I think maybe of a snack of pretzels after school, but otherwise not much more than that. займ 15000 рублейю I have a friend with English relatives who always had tea in the kitchen, and a friend who is into organic foods who dedicatedly keeps several different types in her dorm, but otherwise, tea doesn’t seem to be all that widespread.  Mostly when I think of teatime, I think of a hyper-stereotyped British teatime: tea, biscuits and crumpets-style. Maybe it’s just habit and history—I suppose several hundred pounds of tea dumped in a harbor isn’t a great precedent to appreciating the drink.  While I’m certainly no connoisseur, a mug of hot tea is great when going over late-night readings at school, and who doesn’t love iced tea in the summer?

With these thoughts in mind, I decided to try a place that specialized in tea.  I headed downtown to Podunk, a small tea shop by Cooper Union.   I admit I was somewhat worried it was going to be too cute of a place for me to handle.  Sometimes tea shops are alarmingly filled with doilies, and frankly it can be overwhelming.  Walking through the door, I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect.

Podunk is sweet but not stiflingly so.  It’s filled with mismatched chairs—wooden chairs, painted chairs, garden chairs.  I chose a deep Adirondack that I nearly fell into if I sat back too far.  There are shelves full of picture books, and little knick-knacks like a straw hat and a watering can along the walls
.  I checked my phone for the time, and, bizarrely, felt almost bad about it.  Although it’s not exactly like stepping back in time, Podunk is definitely a books and paper and conversation type of place.

The tea came in a wooden tray pained blue, with a yellow polka dotted tea pot, a jar of sugar with a pear painted on it, and a spoon set neatly on a napkin. The tea—apple chamomile–was home-brewed and lovely.  I was charmed against my will.  It’s certainly a unique sort of place, and it welcomes all sorts of people.

Unfortunately, Podunk is on the expensive side.  A pot of tea is $8 for one person, $7 a person for more than one person, and smaller options than a pot don’t seem to be offered.  There are, of course, plenty of other less expensive cafes around the city for those who are wallet-conscious.  Podunk is different, though, and worth it for the experience of it.  Small but charming, it’s the perfect place to take your mom on her birthday.

Anais DiCroce

My tumblr can be found here.

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