During college, you have the freedom to explore and a platform set that allows you to make mistakes; trial and error is the known policy. Don’t you wish you had someone available to give you guidance throughout those years? To encourage you to grow, to inspire you and to give you a career path to look forward to. To be a mentor for you, and discuss their professions with you?
Advice has always proven successful to allow students to indulge in discussions of the future. Without guidance, the future can be daunting.
Several professionals have contributed their thoughts: What do you wish you knew while you were in college?
“Take advantage of the all the resources that are offered. Register for a class outside of your major, utilize professor office hours, talk to career services. Outside of academics, join a club, attend school-sponsored events, meet as many people as you can.” – Chloe Wong, Rhode Island School of Design graduate
“I wish someone told me to really take advantage of what the school had to offer such as unlimited access into certain studios. Turns out you gotta pay for all of that when you’re in the real world.” – Stephanie Cuenca, SUNY Purchase graduate
“It gets better,…it will be ok when schools over. I know that for me, where school was so important, I was worried that when it was over I would just unravel. I depended on it in so many respects, calendar, priorities, social life. I think I may have even jumped into grad school so quickly afterwards because I was scared of being out of school so if I was talking to my college-self I would say, it gets better, and you’ll be ok on your own you are smart enough and good enough to dictate your own life and not let school or teachers or grades or whatever dicate how your life is and will be.” – Stephen de Jesus Frias, CUNY Baruch undergraduate, Lesley University graduate
“Learning about economics and finance is crucial.” – Miguel Ramirez, Wesleyan University graduate
“I wish I knew just how drastic life would change after undergrad. Full time work is much more demanding than I imagined.” – Sabrina Smith, CUNY Baruch graduate
“Try to get internships.” – NYU graduate
“Intern as much as possible. Never underestimate the powers of networking and hardwork. 99% of entry-level hires are previous interns.” – Tiffany Ma, The New School-Parsons School of Design graduate
“Looking back at my college experience, I wish I had taken full advantage of what my school had to offer. I would have taken classes outside of my major to broaden my horizons. I wish I had networked more within the community and school- maybe joined a few organizations. I am also disappointed that I didn’t pursue a semester abroad– I think that’s a once in a lifetime opportunity college students have.
My advice for any college student is to be passionate about your work– it helps to make the tedious stuff more fun. In my experience of going to art school, your college assignments are essentially your portfolio when you’re job hunting. It helps to have been passionate about the work when you have to sell it to a potential employer. It isn’t like high school- where you can slap something together for a passing grade. You should be proud of the work you create.
It’s hard to focus on your eduction when you’re invited out to parties every night. Trust me- you’ll wish you had found balance between work and play when you’re paying off those student loans!
There’s nothing else like college. You’ll meet some of your best friends, and you’ll make some of your best memories. Enjoy it!” – Lensey Randals, Rhode Island School of Design graduate
“I would say the importance of internships. They look good for grad school and help you figure out if this is actually what you want to do.” – NYU graduate
“Personal Finance Management.” – Keion Prescod, Monroe graduate
“I always tell my students during orientation to make the best of their college experience so that when they look back they can say that college was the best time of their life. I also wished that I had gone on study abroad because it allows you the opportunity to fully engage with another culture as well as broadens your perspective. Study abroad opens up an international network of contacts full of opportunities and teaches those skills necessary in an ever changing global environment.” – Janet Hoyte, Johnson & Wales University graduate
“Be sure to get involved and join groups! I was in a women’s a cappella group all four years I was in college… my experience would have been totally different had I not got up the courage to audition my freshman year. I expected that it would be fun to perform and that the girls would be some of my best friends, but the most valuable takeaways were things I didn’t expect: getting to know older and wiser upperclassmen right off the bat; the work experience I got volunteering for various business positions in the group; and the close-knit network of alumnae I now have access to as a graduate. It was a gift to be in the group while I was in school, and now it is the gift that keeps on giving!” – Annie Johnson, Colgate University graduate
Stay tuned for more inspiration from college graduates and professionals!
Visit thelivingcalendar.com for more tips and advice from Arielle Fiffer – College/Career Advisor
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