Emergency situations take place every day; however, we are often not ready for them. Knowing how to protect yourself or even save someone else’s life is essential. Based oh his experience as the Rescue Chief and Disaster Manager of the American Rescue Team (ARTI), Doug Copp wrote an article on “The Triangle of Life” advising people what not to do during an earthquake, and Campus Clipper team would like to share his simple but crucial for life-saving tips.
First of all, you should know that “The Triangle of Life” is a space near a large object that you can use to hide. The object itself will be crashed, but there will be a void next to it, and that’s where you should be during an earthquake (God forbid).
Here is where you shouldn’t be if you want to survive:
1. Under objects. When buildings collapse, you will be crashed together with an object you’re hiding under. Next to large objects, like cars, sofas and desks, there is always a space that will keep you untouched. Therefore, curl into a position of a fetus next to such objects, not under them.
2. Under a doorway. If you do, you will be either crushed by the ceiling above, or cut in half by the doorway, in most cases.
3. Near the stairs. People who get on stairs are usually “chopped up by the stair treads. The stairs are the most likely part of the building to be destroyed, even if the building doesn’t collapse, so avoid them, if possible.
4. Far inside the building. Try to stay closer to the outer walls of the space, as your escape will be easier in this case. While you way from further rooms may be blocked by collapsed objects, you may quickly leave the building if you are near the exit.
5. Inside a vehicle. Same logic as with being under objects. Stay outside next to the car, in fetal position, and you’ll have more chances to survive.
This is just a brief summary, simple things that everyone has to know in case of emergency. If you’d like to get more information, or listen to 1 hour interview with Doug Copp about “the triangle of life,” go to
Ekaterina Lalo
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